5 DECEMBER 1868, Page 1

The "crisis" which was in active preparation in Roumania, and

to which Lord Stanley alluded in his speech at Lynn, has apparently been postponed. The idea was to arm all the Slavonic people of Turkey for a general revolt under the lead of Prince Charles of Roumania, with the double view of upsetting the Sultanet and embarrassing Austria if she interfered with Germany. Very strong pressure was, however, applied to arrest the movement, and at last Prince Charles received, it is alleged and denied, a private hint from Berlin. Thereupon the insurrectionary Minister Bratiano fell, a new man nearly unknown elsewhere came into power, and Roumania promised peace with all mankind, and ordered all munitions of war to be laid up—and oiled. Note as the main facts that the Slavons are looking to Prince Charles as their leader, that the situation never quite gets beyond his control, and that everybody in those regions begins to say, "This is a strong man." Let him appoint his own cooks, and with care.