5 DECEMBER 1891, Page 12

My Friends at St. Ampelio. By John A. Goodchild. (Kegan

Paul, Trench, and Co.)—This volume consists of two parts, the first being a reprint of the author's " Chats at Sant' Ampelio," the second a continuation, under the title of " The Sage of Sant' Ampelio." The characters of the conversations, the Rhymer, the Socialist, and the Chaplain, reappear ; but the principal personage of the second part is one Mr. Logan, an old man whom it is agreed to call the Sage. And very interesting he is, both in his life and his death. The scene of his ending is described with uncommon pathos. Excellent, too, is the story of what followed after the earthquake. Altogether, this addition to Mr. Goodchild's in- teresting book has achieved a success seldom granted to con- tinuations.