5 DECEMBER 1914, Page 37

Messrs. John Bartholomew and Co. send us their Orographi- cal

Map of Central Europe (2e. 6d. in paper, 48. net on cloth), on a scale of 31'5 miles to the inch, which is coloured accord- ing to contours and altitude, and is extremely clear, though full of detail ; and a War Map of Europe and the Mediter- ranean (1s. net on paper, 2s. net on cloth), showing political boundaries, chief towns, railways, and steamship routes, on a scale of 86 miles 'to the inch.—Messrs. George Philip and Son have published a useful Large Scale Strategical War Map .pf Europe, Western Area, covering the ground from Havre to Frankfurt-on-Main, and from Antwerp to Dijon, on a scale of 10 miles to the inch. It is mounted on rollers for the wall, .and has an index to five thousand five hundred names.