5 DECEMBER 1925, Page 48


The recent activity in .textile: shares is being justified, for the most part, by the results -pUbliihed by, leading companies, and during the past week Messrs; J. & P.: Coats hayg pro_ duced a deeidedlygood RePOit -and a sidisfactorybaltince sheet. The net profits, amounting to-28,656,000, an increase over the previous year of about -250,000.- Id spite, however, of this great increase in ,prOfits, the 'Directors have simply maintained the ordinaryldiViaeild add -ticinus;: initial* in all 171 per cent.'; but the balance sheet is an exceedingly strong one, the Dividend ReServe 'standing at 12;300,690; while there is a Contingencies Fund aggregating 13,000,000.