5 DECEMBER 1992, Page 69






A. first prize of £20 and a bottle of Graham's Malvedos 1979 Vintage Port for the first correct solution opened on 21 December, with two runners-up prizes of £10 (or, for UK solvers, a copy of Chambers English Dictionary — ring the word `Dictionary'). Entries (no photocopies) to: Crossword 1088, The Spectator, 56 Doughty Street, London WC1N 2LL.

The unclued lights have something in common. Chambers excludes the well-known phrase at 42A.

Name Address

Dictionary prizes are sent out by the 'Post-a-Book' service.

ACROSS 4 Wildly accusatory about male, as usual (11) 11 Search for Scott progressed, with couple ignoring cold (9)

13 Old man's with it, dancing about at home — to his music? (11)

14 Gaze into crystal (second ball, hear we?) (4)

18 Massage (ssaf hock cramped in short reel

19 Captain's pay for deck time (7) 22 Live outside our northern boundary (6) 23 Old gossip spun tale in Turkey 29 ome Romish name for Jewish law (6) 31 New actor, right, one's em- ployed in theatre? (6) 35 I may fly with George? (7, hyphened) 38 AC, useless type, losing face (3)

39 Behaviour pattern (4)

40 Girl has gm cocktail with Scot, of royal line (11) 41 Primate holding Georgia love- feast (5)

42 wCoinrema, 'Adult' sort (9, two do

43 Spanish wines, favourite with Irish uncles once (11, hyphened) DOWN 1 Mork by sewer annoyed little chap after first of seepages (11, hyphened) 3 Circuitous US/Can tour FA arranged (11) 5 Salmon en crofite dressing? (7) 6 Gully caught one over there (6) 7 Boats in meres capsizing with onset of storm (6) 8 Head accepts Greek character's view (7) 10 Giving up office or renewing contract? (9) 15 Marsupials accepted grass (5) 17 Repeated legislation men at cen- tre amended (11, hyphened) 20 Assistance from messenger boy round a market-place (9) 21 The Spanish fellow's a dwarf (3) 25 Towpath? (5) 26 Letter from minor with no head- ing (3) 28 Snake, excellent specimen (7) 30 At home, fish, we hear, is suit- able (7, two words) 32 Nickel in cowshed, for breast- plate (6) 33 Philosophical theory about Isaiah held by Frenchmen? (6) 36 Quiet kind (5)

Solution to 1085: 8D 29D The title (LUCKY CHARMS) suggested the other unclued lights (11, 14, 39A; 5, 13, 20, 31D).

First prize: Jack Fletcher, Sheffield; Runners-up: Miss M. B. Ambrose, Edinburgh; Ann Reekie, Seve- noaks, Kent.