5 FEBRUARY 1842, Page 14


C2ess.0 concise history of a campaign, "Veni, vidi, vici," has been beaten by the famous Irish conqueror Father MATHEW ; whose history ()this Roman campaign may be written without the two first words—thus, " Vici." He has conquered CESAR'S own city without coming or seeing : Rome has succumbed in the person ofits Sovereign, the Pontiffof Catholic Christendom; and GREGORY the Sixteenth is a member of the "Cork Total Abstinence So- ciety "—nay, what is more, a medalist of that illustrious body. These extremes betoken ill‘of the past. When Leo the Twelfth assumed the tiara, he signalized his former victories among the fair in the most remarkable way : as if to him pertained a monopoly of the sex, he forbade them even to the sight of others ; they were banished from the playhouse, and the reign of boyhood was restored : women in the streets were compelled to wear cloaks, to conceal their tempt- ing waists; and his Holiness's soldiers had orders to take from the profane females the large combs which they used to wear, and break them in pieces. Such an abomination was all that class of vanity to the Holy Father of divert nephews. Is GREGORY the Sixteenth's new Teetotalism inspired by former half-regretted half-repented victories among the bottles? as not to him est propositum in Sabered mori, will he degrade the tavern for others' uses ? Or does he slily cajole his Irish adherents with a pun ? He professes to be a member of the " Cork Total Abstinence Society " : in Italy they. do not use corks to their wine-flasks, but a drop of oil and a Map of tow instead: it is therefore very easy fbr the Pontiff totally te abstain Item cork. .