5 FEBRUARY 1848, Page 9



The English Funds were until yesterday in a languid state; the fluctuation being within } per cent of 89. A purchase of the Bank Broker yesterday. morn- ing gave firmness to the market; and as more investments occurred during the day, the price advanced about 1 per cent. Today the complexion of the market is quite altered. The announcement made by Lord John Russell last night in the House of Commons, that between the 14th and 18th the financial statement would be made, has given rise to some speculation. The prevailing opinion ap- pears to be that the Government will resort to a funding of Exchequer Bills; and at the opening of the market, Consols for Account, which were yes- terday 89}, fell to 884: a reaction to 89 afterwards occurred, and the price at three o'clock was 881 9. Au influential purchaser has since ap- peared; in consequence of his operation business has been prolonged,: and at four o'clock the price had reached 89} /. The premium of Exche- quer Bills, which had been advancing daring the week and had yesterday reached 40s. premium, has also undergone a decline; and a difference is now apparent between the bills which arrive at maturity in March and such as do so In June—the former have fallen to 30s, and the latter to 33s.; the market dif- ference in the premium being about 4s. The belief in the probability of a fund- ing is greatly strengthened by Lord Jobn Russell's having fixed some day previous to the 18th instant for his statement, as in due course the notice for the renewal of the Exchequer Bills falling due in March, if given at all, ought to be given on the 19th. Bank Stock has been several times quoted at 202, but is today marked at 200. The extreme cheapness of money—the present rate of commercial dis- count ranging from 3 to 4 per cent—must tend to decrease the profits of the Bank ; and it is not therefore surprising that many of the parties who bought Bank Stock at the recent low prices should now bring it to market. India Stock con- tinues to improve, and is today marked at 243.

In the Foreign Market, the business in the Dividend-paying Stocks has not been important, and prices have not varied materially from those given last week. The more speculative varieties have been in some favour. Mexican Bonds have risen to 19} ; Portuguese Four per Cents to 27; Spanish Active, to 22; and the Three per Cents to 32. There are no particular causes existing for the advances above noticed; which are, we consider, chiefly owing to the growing plenty of money. At the Foreign settling-day, on Monday last, the rats of interest for loans upon the security of Foreign Stocks varied from 3 to 7 per cent; upon Eng- lish Stock 2 per cent is rather difficult to be had.

Almost all thereat Railway Shares feebly maintain, or have fallen below, our last quotations. The North-western are Si. lower. The South-western, Midland, and Brighton, have fallen from 21. to 31. On the other hand, some of the less current shares—as the Lancashire and Yorkshire, North British, and York and North Midland, have advanced in nearly the same proportion. These fluctuations must be taken as indicative of the hopes and fears of the proprietaries in regard to the approaching dividends, if not as premonitory symptoms of the actual re- sults of the approaching half-yearly meetings. The fluctuations and business in Foreign Shares have been quite unimportant. The accounts of the Bank of England, for the week ending January 29th, exhibit when compared with those of the preceding week the following results— BANKING DEPARTMENT. Increase. Decrease.

Rest £586 Public Deposits 88,755 Other Deposits Seven-day and other Bills 1,385 Government Securities, including Dead-weight 89,249 Other Securities Notes unissued 192.930 Actual Circulation 30,040 Lanz Darsavaszs2.

Notes issued Bullion Total Bullion in both Departments Actual Circulation 6,783

188,4- 58

222,970 213,502

This week. Last week.

13,390,914 13,176,819 19,141,920 19,111,880


The English Fends are at an advance of 4 per cent upon the closing prices of yesterday; the price of Consols for Money being 89} 4, and for Account 891 I. The premium of Exchequer Bills has declined; June bills being 32s. to 34s., and March bills 27s. to 29s. No change or business of moment has occurred in the Foreign Funds. The Railway Share Market is in nearly the same state as yesterday; though in some few cases there seems to be rather a better demand for this species of security. The following are the chief transactions as yet recorded: Caledonian, 354; Leeds and Bradford, 96/; North-western, 101. Shares, M. and B., A., 11 ; Ditto, Ditto, Ditto, B., 11; Ditto, Ditto, Ditto, C., 4}; Midland, 116 141; Ditto, 401. Shares, 45; Ditto, 501. Shares, 14; North Staffordshire, 10/ 11; Scottish Central, 294; South-eastern and Dover, 814; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, Original Newcastle and Berwick. 324; Ditto, Ditto, Extension No. 2, 131; East Indian, 11; Sambre and Meuse, 64.

3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced

34 per Cents 894 1 891 4 894 1 901 4

Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 2f per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 5 per Cents 1846 83 5


181 191 Long Annuities 9 1-16 New Granada I94 904 Bank Stock 200 202 Portuguese N.4 perCents 1842 28 7

Exchequer Ms

27 34 preen, l'ortuguese Old 1524 80 2 India Stock 241 3 Russian 5 per Cents 108 110 Brazilian 5 per Cents 84 6 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 211 2 Belgian 44 per Cents 89 91 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 32 4 Buenos Ayres

ao 3

Venezuela 38 40 Chillan 6 per Cents 90 2