5 FEBRUARY 1916, Page 12


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR,—Kindly permit me to bring to the notice of your readers a requisition form now being used in Londonderry in connexion with the " Down Glasses " movement. Such a form might be used as a model in other cities by hitherto non-abstainers who are willing to do their bit for the Empirc.—I am, Sir, Rio., ROBERT J. PATTERSON. West Central Hotel, Southampton Row, W.C.


As Citizens of the British Empire and Inhabitants of the City of Londonderry which has given so generously of its blood and treasure to fight for King and Country in this world-wide war that Prussian Militarism has forced upon us; Rzeocimsnto the seriousness of the struggle we have yet to wage before victory is attained, and the incalculable injury that our defeat and failure would bring not only to ourselves but to the sacred cause of human liberty and freedom throughout the world ;

Destarsa, moreover, to dia all is our power to lee that this war is carried to a speedy and successful issue ;

WE HEREBY BEQUEST Yon, as Chief Magistrate of the City, to convene a Meeting of Citizens to see if we cannot by common and concerted action do something to make our national resources more effective in this momentous war.

It is especially distressing, at a time when the national expenditure reaches the appalling figure of five million pounds per day, that so much waste is caused by Strong Drink ; and even more distressing than the loss of money and the destruction of necessary food-stuffs is the lowering of the efficiency of our soldiers at a time when the utmost possible efficiency must be maintained and every ounce of strength must be put into the struggle.

Most of us have not identified ourselves with definite Temperance Work, but we should feel ashamed if, at this crisis in our history, we preferred the gratification of our own tastes to the welfare of our soldiers and the best interests of our country, and we are convinced -s that all patriotic citizens are prepared, for the sake of those high ideals for which our soldiers and sailors are fighting and which wo also hold dearer than life, to follow the example of our Gracious Sovereign, and of Lord- Kitchener,- and to abstain from all Intoxi- cating Drinks as Beverages FOR THE DURATION OF THE WAR. We owe it to our King that we take this step. We owe it also to our gallant allies, France and Russia, who at the very beginning of the war swept this harrier from their path. It'seems to us that it is our plain duty to convince them that we are not less determined than they are to deliver the world from the menace of German tyranny. cruelty and aggression. For these reasons we request you to call a, Meeting of Citizens- on a suitable date; to consider this matter; and to take such steps as the Patriotism of the citizens may think fit."