5 FEBRUARY 1927, Page 42


The quinquennial valuation by the Sun Life Assurance Society brings out excellent results. It may be pointed out that while the Society adheres to the system of quin- quo n ial valuation, it gics to policy holders interim bonuses at the full rates now declared in respect of policies becoming claims during the current quinquenaium. Present bonus rates range from 35s. per cent. per annum on amounts issued in the ease of policies on fairly young lives to nearly 40s. per cent. per annum on policies on lives aged fifty at the time of entry with the duration of thirty years. The valuation, it is stated, has been made on the usual stringent lines with a reservation of over 20 per cent. of the premium income as provision for future expenses and profits, while the expense ratio was only 111 per cent., thus giving a good margin. The Report shows a great growth in business.