5 FEBRUARY 1954, Page 13

Letters to the Editor

CRITIC BETWEEN THE LINES SIR,—II is obvious from two phrases in his article " Critic Between the Lines," that, like other of our feathered friends, Mr. Anthony Hartley has spent a great deal of time snoring outside mouse-holes, in order to woo their inhabitants.

Let him continue to do so, and to rejoice in the great poets that, attracted by this somnolence, run from their hiding-places.

But I would suggest that until he is in a position to teach John Donne and me how to write, he should confine himself to his natural activity.

If I lectured Professor Einstein on his theory of relativity, I doubt if the lecture

it...,, would be of any value, or if Professor Einstein would regard it with anything but amusement. If Mr. Hartley believes his ' opinion was expressed with courtesy and restraint' he will ' believe ' (as my collateral ancestor the Iron Duke replied to a gentleman who greeted, him with the words " Mr. Jones, 1 believe ") ' anything.' Finally, I never thought, never said, and never wrote, that the saps of all trees are alike.—Yours faithfully,


Sunset Tower, 8358 Sunset Boulevard, Holly- wood