5 JANUARY 1833, Page 7


The Lord Mayor, and the rest of the Deputation appointed by the Court of Common Council, proceeded yesterday to the house of Sir Thomas Denman, in Russell Square, with the address of congratula- tint', on his appointment to the office of Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench. Sir Thomas received the Deputation, of course, with great kindness and affiibility.

A resolution, moved in the Cripplegate Wardmote by Mr. Dillon, that the members of the Court of Aldermen ought to be chosen pe- riodically, and its proceedings thrown open to the public, has been adopted, by a majority of 48 to 3.

A numerous meeting of merchants and others connected with the China tea trade was held on Tuesday, at the George and Vulture Tavern, Lombard Street, to .appoint a committee to watch the pro- ceedings in Parliament relative to the East India Company's Charter, and to take measures for the protection of the trade with China as re- spects teas. A fter some discussion, a committee was appointed to carry these objects into effect.

The City authorities have given notice, that it is their intention to apply to Parliament in the ensuing session for an act to authorize the pulling down of the Fleet Prison in Farringdon Street, to make room for several important projected improvements. It is proposed to have a new Fleet Prison, on a much larger and more convenient scale, erected on a large piece of ground in St. George's Fields, opposite Bethlehem Hospital. It is also intended to widen and improve the roads leading to Bethlehem Hospital and the site of the new Fleet Prison, and to stop up and discontinue the roads formerly called St. George's Mall, and Joiner Street, Lambeth.

A new School of Industry, at Kensington Gravel-pits, was opened on Tuesday ; when a number of children of the neighbouring poor were admitted. The building has been fitted up at the expense of Lord and Lady Holland, and others of the nobility who have united in this benevolent design. It is calculated that the produce of the children's earnings will support the expenses of the school.