5 JANUARY 1856, Page 15



The public are becoming distrustful of the negotiations for peace ; and the commencement of a new year has reminded them of the early meeting of Parliament, when the financial requirements for the maintenance of the war, estimated by many at twenty or thirty millions, will be developed. The introduction of a loan of this magnitude under the existing pressure for money, which is worth 6 per cent on Government Securities, naturally produces many anxious considerations. Disappointment has been felt at the large deficiency in the quarterly statement of the revenue, amounting.to nearly 4,000,000/. The Funds have been consequently very flat; and, under the pressure of sales by influential operators, have fallen more than 1 per cent. Consols have been as low as 87, closing this after- noon at 87k k. Bank Stock is 1 better ; Exchequer Bills are 28. lower.

Preparations to meet the various acceptances due today have rendered the demand for accommodation very active, and on Monday the applications at the Bank were believed to have been heavier than at any time within the last eight years ; the amount advanced in loans and discounts haying been above 900,000/. This was partly to meet an instalment of 10 per cent on the Turkish Loan due on Tuesday last, and to provide for the ordinary pay- ments at the close of the year. The French Funds have declined about 11 Per cent ; attributed to the heaviness on this side, the monthly settlement, and the apparent allusion to Prussia by the Emperor in his speech to the Imperial Guard. Gold continues to be purchased for the Bank of France : 416,0001. that arrived from Australia at the close of last week has been bought up for that purpose : the exchange consequently shows great firmness, owing to the demand for bills on London to remit in payment. The shipments of gold and silver, bullion and specie, to France via Folkstone, for the year 1855, form an aggregate of about 10,300,0001. Large quantities have also been taken by private hands, of which no account has been kept. At the commencement of last year the bullion in the Bank of France was 16200,000/. ; it has been since reduced to 8,600,0001. In the Corn-market there has been a further decline of 28. to 3s. per quarter.

The gold received this week from New York has amounted to 62,0001. The slupments of specie by the Pent amounted to 277,3071. ; of which 246,665 was silver for India and China, and is less than the sums forwarded by the two previous packets. At the Bank meeting yesterday, no alteration was made in the rate of discount, although from the continued shipments of gold and specie to India and the Continent an increase was considered probable. In Foreign Securities, the operations continue limited. Austrian has im-

raoved ; Dutch Two-and-a-half, and Russian Four-and-a-half per Cents, . There has been a decline in the following—Turkish Six per Cents, 23 ; rdinian, 2 ; Buenos Ayres, and Portuguese, 1 ; Turkish Scrip, In Railways, sales have preponderated, owing to the state of Consols ; but upon the whole there has been only a slight decline. Great Western has fallen 15s.; Great Northern, 108. ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, and Mid- land, 5s.; London and North-Western is 94 I; at which it also stood last week. In the French descriptions, Eastern of France, Northern of France, and Paris and Lyons, have each declined 10s. SATURDAY, TWELVE O'CLOCK.

The English Funds have declined k this morning, Console being now 87 1. Exchequer Bills 9 5 discount. The bullion return by the Bank of England shows a decrease of 161,602/. Yesterday, the Tyne steamer, from the West Indies and Mexico, brought 571,0001. silver and 60,0001. gold—total, 631,0001. In Foreign Stocks there is nothing doing ; Turkish Stock is steady at 81 1, and the Scrip 4 at discount. Railways are dull—Caledo- nian, 54k ; Midland, 631 ; North-Eastem Extension, 13; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 22.

The English Funds have been very inactive since the morning, without change in prices. Consols for Account closing at 874. Exchequer Bills 9 4 discount. Annuities April 1885 have been dealt in at 161 3-16. In Foreign Stocks nothing of importance has occurred ; Scottish Passive has been done at 74 7, Turkish. Six per Cents, 81} 1. In Railways very few bargains have taken place, but the Market is a little weaker—Caledonian, 531 ; Eastern Counties, 8/ ; Great Northern B Stock, 1191 ; Great Western, 52 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 761 ; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 93.1 ; London and South-Western, Bq ; Mid- land, 631; Midland Great Western, (Ireland,) 491 ; North-Eastern—Ber- wick, 67} ; Ditto Extension, 13; Ditto York, 45 ; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 22. Preference Shares—Great Westeni, Convertible and Redeemable 41 per Cent, 86 • Great Western of Canada, 241 ; Great Luxem- bourg Constituted Shares, 31 ; Scinde Guaranteed 5 per Cent, 21. Mine- Cobre Copper, 67. Joint tock Banks—Oriental Bank Corporation, 371;. Union of Australia, 744. Miscellaneous—Australian Agricultural, 2 ; Canada, 124 ; Canada Government 6 per Cent January and July, 106 ; Crys- tal Palace, 21; General Screw Steam Shipping Company, 15}; Royal Mail Steam, 77 ; Scottish Australasian Investment, New, / ; South Australian Land, 341.

3 per Cent Console Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced New 3 per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock Exchequer Bills India Stock Austrian 5 per Cents Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 44 per Cents Chilian 6 per Cents Danish 5 per Cents

shut 87h 87 4 874 4 3

205 7 9 4 dis. shut 80 2 ex d. 98 100 91 3 101 3 100 2 Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 24 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 3 per Cents Peruvian 44 per Cents Ditto 3 per Cents Portuguese 4 per Cents ....

Russian 5 per Cents Ditto 44 per Cents Spanish 3 per Cents Ditto Deferred Sardinian 5 per Cents Swedish 4 per Cents

82 5 63 4 ex d.

94 5 194 20 74 6 59 4

45 7 ex d.

95 7 86 8 ex d. 384 9 21f 4

81 3 84 7

The establishment of steam-packet lines continues to spread. This week a new Belgian Company commenced operations. A splendid steamer, the Belgique, has called at Southampton on her way from Antwerp to 'New York ; Other steamers will follow on the same line ; the company has a mail-contract with the Belgian Government. They intend also to establish lines between Antwerp, Southampton, and Brazil, and to the Levant.

Steam communication between Glasgow and New York has been resumed, by the departure from Glasgow of the splendid ship Edinburgh, with a hun- dred passengers and a cargo valued at 192,0001.—an unparalleled freight from the Clyde.

The small bank of Palmer and Greene, of Lichfield, has failed. The note circulation had dwindled to about 8000/. The liabilities are put down at 220,000/., and the assets at 150,000/. The late Mr. Palmer owed the con- cern a large sum ; the surviving partner, Mr. Greene, has in vain struggled with the difficulty thus created.

Messrs. Carter and Co., the London shipowners who suspended payment about a year ago, announced on Saturday last that they would be ready today to pay all claims in full, with 5 per cent interest. Their liabilities amounted to 93,000/.