5 JANUARY 1901, Page 2

The list of New Year Honours published on Tuesday is

hardly worthy of the dawn of a new century. We note, how- ever, with satisfaction the bestowal of Privy Councillorships on Mr. Barton, one of the protagonists in the drama of Australian Federation, and Mr. Lewis Fry, so long and honourably connected with the commercial and political life of Bristol. The baronetcies conferred on Mr. John Aird, equally well known in Egypt and Paddington, and on Dr.

Barlow are thoroughly well earned, and there is certainly no disparity between merit and reward in the G.C.B.'s given to Sir Alfred Milner, Sir Francis Mowatt, and Lord Justice Romer. Again, we are delighted to see that Colonel Jekyll, who did such excellent and tactful work at the Paris Exhi- bition, gets a K.C.M.G., and that his subordinates obtain the C.M.G. These honours are well deserved. General Logarcl's valuable services in Central Africa are recognised by a K.C.M.G. For the rest the list is almost entirely made up of official promotions, and is unimaginative, not to say dull, in the extreme. No new Peerages are created.