5 JANUARY 1934, Page 20

A Rhodesian Model The question of National Parks in this

island is to be taken up again ; but Scotland is the only possible scene for a Park of proper size and wildness : the phrase hardly belongs to an old and small country., What can we compare with the spacious Park just presented by Mr. Robins to the Government of Southern Rhodesia? Its extent is no less than 40 square miles ; and a score of wild animals of great size inhabit it. The gift is very generous. More and more sportsmen seek to find an opportunity of exercising their craft in South Africa now that the motor-car has robbed the sport of its hardships and delays. A man with a 'rifle may penetrate the very heart of the country, do the maximum of injury and return in possession of his spoils without the exercise of any particular skill, except a steady hand, and without the need for any endurance. We may all rejoice that the antelopes, deer, giraffe, elephant and the rest will be saved in this glorious reserve from any such sportsman. It has also brought us nearer to the ideal of a succession of sanctuaries such as lies within the scope only of our Empire. We may ordain them all the way from Cairo to the Cape. When that consummation is reached the old proverb will indeed be justified : "Es Africa scraper aliquid noel."