Current Literature
MODERN SCULPTURE By Herbert Maryon Mr. Maryon prefaces his Modern Sculpture: Its Methods and Ideals (Pitman, 30s.) with the statement that no serious critical book exists about sculpture. If this was true before Mr. Maryon wrote his book, it is still true. In no sense can he be said to have advanced the study of anything, since his book consists only of the trite and commonplace sayings that have been current about sculpture for the last fifty years. Nor are these familiarities served up with any new piquancy. They are dished up neat as if they were novelties requiring no dis- guise. The few parts of the book which are not composed of ideas already wholly familiar are vitiated by the most wide- spread use of undefined abstractions. The pages are thick with words like Unity, Power, Rhythm awaiting, like buried monuments, discovery at the hand of the definer. The few good works which have found their way into the 356 plates look lost and unhappy.