5 JULY 1834, Page 12


Srucx EXCHANGE. FRIDAY AFTERNOON. selves of the offered accommodation, and that a considerable portion of that sum scarcity of mousey, winch on Tuesday and Nl'olnesday was in very great de- mand. The immediate pressure has since been removed, and money has be- discount the claims of the Stockholders at :3 per cent., there can be little doubt that the state of the Money Market has induced several of them to avail them- dency appeared to be downwards. This gloom was chiefly produced by the come more plentiful : there is little doubt that next week it will be abundant, as, in addition to the issue of the Dividends the liquidation of the Carnatie into the market. The amount of Stock to be paid offi was originally Stock, which will take place to- morrow, will throw a laige quantity of capital 1,500,HM. ; but as the East India Company signified their willingness to Till to-day the Consol lr'arket has been in a state of inactivity, and its ten- must have been advanced by the Company. The amount, however, that will be thus added to the circulation, will doubtless he considerable. The lowest price of Consols for Account has been 84 ; to. day the price has reached 83A, and closes at 8•27, 53. The other English Stocks serums to he quite forgotten : the attention of the jobbers and speculators seems to be entirely absorbed by the Spanish and other Foreign Stocks; and except during this morning, the English Market has been almost deserted. Some few transactions have occurred in Dutch Stock, at slightly improved prices. Russian, Danish, and the other Continental Stocks, are nearly at our last quotations. The fluctuations which have occurred during the week in Spanish Stock have not been of the usual extent ; neither have the ope- rations been of the ordinary magnitude. A disposition to sell has !sem mani- fested by some large holders, and very extensive realintions have taken place : the price, therefore, has not been so well maintained ; and after being at 59i, bas been as low as 484, closing this afternoon at 49:ij. The Bonds of the Por- tuguese Regency Loan have been in considerable demand, and a clear rise of more than 3 per cent, has taken place in them. Brazilian Bonds have also im- proved materially in price ; the recent advices from Brazils being generally of a very favourable character : the price has been as high as 791, and is this after- noon 78% 1. The anticipated recognition of the South American Republics, by the Government of Spain, has not produced any material effect on the public securities of those States ; the eagerness of speculation having long ago fore- stalled all increase of value likely to arise from the announced probability of such a measure. Some little demand has existed for Buenos Ayres Bonds, which have been as high as 84: but it has not been sustained, and the price of the Stock is at preseut nominally 33. SATURDAY, TWELVE O'CLOCK.

Little worthy of notice has occurred this morning. Prices generally, with the exception of Portuguese Stock, are the same as yesterday. A large pur- chase has given firmness to that Security, which has improvea nearly i per cent. upon the closing price of yesterday. The quarterly statement of the average assets and liabilities of the Bank of England for the quarter ending July 1st, appeared in last night's Gazette, and is as follows—

Liabilities. Assets.

n7.593 ono 13,395,000 I Securities 11,659.000

15,996.000 Bullion 33,921,000 36,252,000 SATURDAY, FOUR o'cLoCK.

Consols close A per cent, higher, viz. 83,1. The Portuguese Bonds are also higher; and after being at 84b, close at 834 84. The Spanish Stock is heavy, and closes at 4Eq 49.

3 per Cent. Censols shut Ditto for Account .. 924 934 New 34 per Cent. Annuities shut Bank Stock 216 2694 India Stock for Acct 51 53 Exchequer Bills 93 Belgian 5 per Cents 78 i Brazilian 5 per Cents 741 754 Danish 3 per Cents Circulation Deposits

Dutch 24 per Cents. ex. div 51 2

French 3 per Cents Greek, 1833. 5 per Cents 105 Mexican 6 per Cents. 46 Portuguese 5 per Cents 834 4 Do. Regency Scrip, 5 per Cent 834 Prttssian.ISIS, 5 per Cent -- Russian. 1822 5 per Cent 1054 64 Spanish, 1821, 5 per Cent 49