5 JULY 1845, Page 10



The business transacted during the week in the English Funds has been more extensive than usual: the market appears to have awakened from its long- continued torpor, and presents a firmer appearance, with an evident tendency upwards. The improvement in prices has been about 4 per cent ;produced entirely by the occurrence of two or three extensive purchases, in addition to the ordinary current of investment which usually sets in about this period of the year, after the payment of the Dividends. The books of the Three per Cent Console, and the other Stocks which have been closed for the Dividends, will o. 4, for private transfer on Monday; on which day the Dividends themselves will paid to the bankers and merchants, and to the public generally on Wednesday. Considerable annoyance has been expressed at the publication of the list of subscribers and promoters of new Railway Shares, especially by those persons of small or no capital whose names appear in it as responsible for immense sums, and who form a very large portion of the actual number. The list, however, only comprises those schemes now before Parliament; and as the schemes of the present year are infinitely more numerous than those of thepast, the correspond- ing publication of the session of 1846 will contain facts of a more astonishing character, and be pregnant with still more annoying disclosures. The transactions in the Foreign Market have not been of much importance. The conversion of the Three per Cent Portugese Bonds into Four per Cent Stock is still going on, and a considerable amount has been exchanged during the last few days. There has been a sort of lull in Railway affairs; the speculators being in a great measure deprived of the usual stimulus afforded by the proceedings of the various Parliamentary Committees, in consequence of progress made in many of the bills; and as, from the near approach of the termination of the session, a large number of bills must be postponed till next year, it seems abundantly evident that speculation in embryo shares is for the present at an end. The pressure occasioned by the call of 21. each upon the shares of the Boulogne and Amiens, and Orleans, Tours, and Bordeaux Railways, ( which respectively became due on Monday and Tuesday last,) having passed away, the prices of these shares have improved between 1/. and 21. There is also a firmer market for the heavier description of French and Belgian Shares generally; but the minor description continue depressed; some of them, as those of the Bordeaux, Toulouse, and Cette; Dijon and Mulhouse, Calon's Paris and Lyons, and Great Paris and Lyons, having been sold at a small discount. Another new scheme, for a railway to connect Rotterdam, Utrecht, and Amsterdam, with the Prussian frontier at Em- merich, has just been promulgated; and though no allotment of shares has yet taken place, they are quoted in the market at between 4 and 5 premium; having in the course of the afternoon been done as high as 44.


The English Funds are firmer this morning; and the small quantity of business transacted has been at a slight advance upon yesterday's prices.

There is no change in the Foreign Market, or any material alteration in the Railway Shares. The business in this department has as yet been limited; and at prices but slightly varying from those of yesterday. We subjoin the fol- lowing list of bargains already recorded: Birmingham and Oxford Junction, <84; Dublin and Belfast Junction, 6; Ditto and Galway, 35; London and Birmingham, 243; Ditto and Brighton, 765: Ditto and South-western, 804; Lynn and Ely, 55;

Midland Stock, 188; Ditto, New, 295; Rugby, Worcester, and Trigg, Scot-

tish Central, 7; i South-eastern and Dover, 484; South Wales, 55; Trent Valley, 18; Welsh Midland, 3i; Great Paris and Lyons, 11; Paris and Lyons, (Lafitte's,) 24; Ditto, (Gannerons,) 21; Ditto, (Calon's,) 14. 6A.ITIRDAY, Two O'CLOCK.

There is no change of importance either in the English or Foreign Funds. The business in Railway Shares has been very extensive, and we have to notice the following bargains in addition to those given m the morning ; the prices given being per share, without regard to discount or premium: Chester and Holyhead, 154; Direct Northern, 35 34; Eastern Counties, 214 5; Edinburgh and Glasgzi, New

Shares, 85; Great Southern and Western, (Ireland,) 21; Great North of land, 24 2; Ditto, New Shares, (51. paid,) 63; Ditto, (2L paid,) 2; London and Bir- mingham, 242; Ditto, Third-shares, 475; Blackwell, 94; Brighton, 765 54; Croydon, 21/ 2; Greenwich, 11; South-western, 81; London and York, 85 4; Midland, 186; North Kent, 25 4; North Wales, 3; York and North Midland, 112; South Wales, 34 3. 4; Great North of France, 54; Ditto, Rosamers, 24; Namur and Liege, 45; Orleans and Vierson, 155; Boulogne and Amiens, 114 1; Over Yssell, 0/ premium; Paris and Lyons, (Gannerods,) 24; Paris and Orleans, 451; Sambre and Meuse, 84. The Shares of the Dutch Rhenish Railway are lower, being last quoted at 34 premium. 3 per cent consols shut. Columbian ex Venezuela... 171 185 Ditto for Account 995 f Danish 3 per Cents 89 90

3 per Cent Reduced 99d Dutch 2# per Cents 625 35 per Cents 1023 3 Ditto 5 per Cents Long Annuities 11 Ditto 4 per Cents 99 3 Bank Stock for Account ... 2111 Mexican 5 per Cents 37 # Exchequer Bills prem. 55 7 Ditto Deferred 21 # India Stock Portuguese New 5 p. Cts.1841 66 3 Brazilian 5 per Cents 90 91 Russian 5 per Cents 117 19 Belgian 41 per Cents 99 100 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 275

Chillan 6 per Cents 98 100 Ditto 3 Cents 1842 37I I