5 JULY 1851, Page 11



The Stock Market has been in a rather more active state than usual. In the early part of the week, prices fell back about 1 per cent; they recovered again, and close this afternoon nearly as last week ; Consols for Account, 97h 1. The Three-and-a-quarter per Cent Stock has risen more in propor- tion than any others, and continues in demand ; the price of it has today reached 99. On Saturday last, the prices of the other Stocks being the same as today, Three-and-a-quarter per Cents were quoted at 981 ; and as today the price has reached 99, the Stock is comparatively per cent dearer than last week. The books of the various Stocks upon which the Dividends be- come due tomorrow, will open for private transfer on Monday; and the di- vidends will be paid to the public on Wednesday the 9th. The rate of dis- count continues the same, and money abundant : this plenty will doubtless be considerably increased next week, upon the payment of the Dividends. In part of our last impression we noticed the fact of Messrs. J. C. Hambro and Son having intimated their readiness to receive subscriptions to a loan to the Sardinian Government. The proposed loan is for 3,600,0001. sterling, at the price of 85 per cent. The deposits are as follows-

. 20 per cent on Allotment.

10 21st July.

10 21st August.

10 31 20th September.

10 21st October.

10 21st November.

ta 1st December.


Discount at the rate of 5 per cent per annum will be allowed upon the pay- nient in anticipation of any of the instalments. The interest to commence from 1st June 1851, and the first dividend will become payable on the 1st December 1&51. The first Coupon will be deducted from the last instalment. The sum of 36,000/., or 1 per centof the/Limn' ial capital of the loan, together'

with the interest saved, will be annually appropriated to the redemption of the loan ; such redemption to commence in the ninth year from the date of the contract.

The railways from Genoa to Turin, and from Genoa to the Lag. Maggiore to- wards Switzerland, constructed and to be constructed,itre mortgaged as a special security for this loan, in addition to the generid.revenues of the Government. The &rip has been dealt in during the week, and was for some days current at t to t premium ; but it has since declined, and was this afternoon to premium. Peruvian Stock has eirpnrienced a considerable rise; the Active Bonds having been as high as 911; This improvement was occasioned by the fact of the payment on Tuesday last of 107,0001. (by Messrs. A. Gibbs and Sons, the holders of the guano contract) to the agent of the Peruvian Govern- ment iii London, Signor Marietta, for the purposes of the loan. Of this sum 42,0001. will be applied to the payment of the dividend due in October, and the balance to the purposes of the Sinking-fund. The sales of guano for the first five months of the present year—namely, from 1st January to 31st May—have reached 87,000 tons, against 42,000 tons for the correspond- ing period 1850. It certainly speaks in favour of the enterprise of our agri- culturalists that they have expended nearly 800,0001. in manure during the period referred to. It should be remarked that the price of guano (Peru- vian) is about 91. 5s. per ton. Portuguese Bonds are rather firmer, the de- mand for them being steady. Spanish Stock is, on the contrary, heavy; the determination taken at the meeting of Bondholders held yesterday operating unfavourably upon the value of the Stock. The other Foreign Bonds are without material change.

The Railway Share Market is heavy, notwithstanding the traffic returns for the week ending on Saturday last, are, with two or three exceptions, very favourable ; the increase on the North-western line having been more than 16,0001. These shares, however, have declined between 1/. and 21. ; which may be cited as the measure of the decline of most of the principal Shares. It would appear that these traffic returns have but slight influence on the market; for the decline in North-western Shares, with a greatly in- creased traffic, is nearly as great as that in Midland and Lancashire and Share Market has been in a state of activity. An impetus has been given to the Boulogne and Amiens by sonic large purchases in this market on French account ; the long pending dispute between this company and the Northern 1001 ; Spanish Active, 20 a ; Belgian, Four-and-a-half, 93; Dutch Two-and-a-half, 93; Ditto Four per Cents, 921.

The Railway Shares arc lower, and the market closes without any indica- tion of improvement. The following are the principal bargains recorded— Aberdeen, 111 11; Ambergate, Notts, and Boston, 4,1 a; Bristol and Exeter, 80; Caledonian, 101 g; Eastern Counties, 61; East Lancashire, 141 a 2;_ Edinburgh and Glasgow, 281 9; Great Northern, 171; Ditto Half-shares A Dekrred, 5,1 i; Ditto Half-shares B 6 per Cent, 121; Great Southern and Western, (lreland,) 391; Great Western, 821 -4 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire. Olt 50/ 11 ; Ditto Fifths, 32 ; Loudon and Blackwell, 64 7; London and North-western, 1221 It 21 ; London and South-western, 83; Midland, 44 I; Ditto 501. Shares, 151 1; North British, 61 a; North Staffordshire, 8* 1

oreester, and Wolverhampton, la 15 ; South-eastern and Dover,

221 ; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 19. 184 ; Ditto G. N. E. Purchase or Preference, 6 ; York and North Midland, 181 1 1; Caledonian, 101., 61 ;. Boulogne and Amiens, 91 10; Namur and Liege, 61 ; Northern of France,. tog ; Tours and Nantes, 7.

S per Cent Consols Ditto for Account Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 21 per Cents

Yorkshire, where the traffic exhibits a comparative decrease. The French of France being, it is said, arranged. French Shares, however, gave way slightly this afternoon.


Consols and Reduced Three per Cents are k lower ; the former being 97i

for Account, and the latter 071 for Money. Three-and-a-quarter per Cents are, how ever, the same as yesterday, and have been done at 99, the highest price recently quoted. The transactions of the morning both in English and Foreign Stocks have been unimportant. Spanish Stock is, however, heavy. We cannot hear of any transactions in the Scrip of the Sardinian Loan. Nothing of importance has yet occurred in the Railway , Share Market, where the following arc the only transactions yet recorded— Eastern Counties, 61 ; Great Northern, 171; 'Great Western, 831; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 19 ; York and North Midland, 181. SATURDAY, Two o'CLocx. There is no material change in the prices either of the English or Foreign Funds, which all close at the morning s quotations. The transactions in the Foreign Market- have been confined to the following—Brazilian, 90; Danish Five per Cents, 104 ; Peruvian, 90; Ditto Deferred, 4311; Portuguese Four per Cents, 33t ; Russian Five per Cents 114, 1131; Ditto Four-and-a-lialf,