5 JULY 1851, Page 20


On the 26th June, at the Manor House, Horsham, the Lady of E. Trederoft, Esq., of a daughter.

On the 27th, at Dyrham Park, Rees, the Hon. Mrs. Trotter; of a son.

On the 27th, at Hill House, Kidlington, Mrs. Holmes, of a son and heir. On the 28th, in Belgrave Square, the Lady Helen Stewart, of a son. On the lot July, in Grosvenor Crescent, Viscountess Neirry, of a daughter.. On the lot, at Brocton Hall, Staffordshire, the Lady of Mayor Chetwynd, late of the First Life Guards, of a son.

On the 1st, at Devonport, the Lady of Captain Lowe, 11.N., of H.M.S. Impregnable,

of a daughter.

On the 2d, the Lady Naas, of a son and heir.

On the 25, at Clarendon Park, Lady Hervey Bathurst, of twins, sons.


On the 25th September, at Dunedin, Otago, J. R. Johnston, Esq.' of Claremont Lodge, to Marion Jameson, youngest daughter of Captain W.. Cargill, and Resident Agent for the New Zealand Company. On the nth April, at Mominahad, East Indies, Gilbert Jones, Esq., Madras Horse Artillery, second son of Captain Sir Charles Thomas Jones, Knight, R.N., of Fronfraith, Montgomeryshire, to Raby, only daughter of the late Colonel Macintire.

On the 11th June, at the Cathedral, Montreal, George B. C. Creapigny, Esq., Cap- tain H. M. Twentieth Regiment, second son of Charles Fox Crespigny, Esq., of Harefield House, Uxbridge, to Elizabeth Jane, eldest daughter of Alexander Bu- chanan, Esq., Q.C. On the 20th, at St. Mary's Church, Reading, the Rev, Jeffreys W. Murray, to Jane, only daughter of the late Colonel Thomas Peebles. On the 28th, at the British Embassy, Brussels, J. Iteriault Saunders, Esq., eldest son of James Saunders, Esq., of Ilarewood Square, London, to Katharine, second daughter of the Rev. C. Apthorp Wheelwright, Prebendary of Lincoln; and Rector of Tensor, in Northamptonshire. . On the 1st July, at St. Peter's, Pimlico, Hugh Montolieu Harnnieriley, Esq., only son of the late Hugh Ilammersley, of Pall Mall, to Henrietta, only daughter of Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Bouverie, of Eaton Place. - .

On the 1st, at Watford Church, Northatuptonshire,Henry Iloghton, Esq.,"okBold, Lancashire; to Aline, third daughter of Sir Henry Jervis. White Jere*, And., of Bally Ellis, county Wexford.

On the 2d, at Trinity Church, Chelsea, Edward Basil Farnham, Esq., M.P., of Quorndon House, Leicestershire, to Gertrude Emily, second daughter of Sir William Barton), Bart., of Four Oaks Hall, Warwickshire, and Gumley Hall, Leicestershire. On the 2d, at Debenham, Suffolk, James Murray 'Dale, Esq., second son of the Rev. Canon Dale, to Anne Eliza, eldest daughter of James Norris, Esq., of Debeuhain.

On the 2d, at North Cadbury, Somerset, the Rev.. W. Quakett, M,A., Incumbent of Christ Chord,. St. George-in-the-East, to Mary Bennett Williams, Widow of the late Rev. E. I'. Williams, M.A., Chaplain H.E.I.C.S.


On the 27th June, at Sheinfold Park, Susset, Mary Katherine; daughter of the Hon. Percy Ashburnham.

On the 27th, seven days after giving birth to a still-born child, Alice, the beloved Wife of Charles Holland, Esq., M.D., F.R.S., of Rodbaston Hall, Staffordshire; and eldest daughter of Joseph Basendale, Esq., of Park Village, and Woodside.

On the 28th, at Monmouth, the Very Rev. John Rolfe, late of St. Mary's, Moor- fields.

On the 1st July, in the Terrace, Davies Street, Colonel Dyce Sombre.

on the 1st, in the Precincts, Canterbury, the Rev. Frederick Vernon Lockwood, Canon of Canterbury and Vicar of Minster; in his 48th year.

On the 3d, in Trevor Square, Brampton, Colonel Edmund Richard Story, late of the Third Dragoon Guards; 10 his 67th year.