5 JULY 1856, Page 1

Italy appears daily to be drifting into a more critical

condi- tion. The intelligence from every part is calculated to cause uneasiness. Our Government has been questioned respecting the state of affairs at Naples. The King of Naples came from . his country-seat on the 17th, and remained about two days in his capital; during that time he held two Cabinet Councils, sanction- ing the continuance of the political trials ; and, says Lord Cla- rendon, he gave replies to the Governments of France and Eng- land who had been advising for his benefit. His reply is, that at some future day he will adopt lenient courses and practical reforms, but that to do so under foreign dictation would compro- mise thd digffity of his throne and the tranquillity of his country: this while his police-agents are exasperating the most moderate of his subjects beyond endurance ! The Tuscan Government, which lately appeared to be inclined to Liberalism, has accepted for its Internuncio from Rome Monsignore Franchi, who assisted the Cardinal Yiale Preli in arranging the Concordat between Rome and Austria. Austria meanwhile is pouring reinforcements into the duchy of Parma, for the defence of the duchy ; notwithstanding the fact that the Government under the Duchess-Regent has de- clined to follow the course recommended by her Austrian pro- teeters. Instead of abandoning the duchy, as Radetzky threat- ened, the Austrians sae taking: a &mar had af. it thao. eitem. Why ? is it because the Malian statesmen who are the Irtaistars under the Duchess-Regent have seem fdt to act, in unison wibh the policy of the Moderate Reformers in Italy, at the head of whom is Sardinia ? It is a known fact that the population of Parma can scarcely be restrained from breaking out in support of its own Ministry ; but a rising against "the Stranger," com- mencing with the sympathy of a local Government, would indeed be a signal obeyed throughout the peninsula. With Italy in this exceedingly critical condition, it is important to know what our own. Government is doing. It appears to be encouraging the Italians : with which side will it act ?