5 JULY 1873, Page 2

A telegram was read on Monday in the Comnion4 from:Sir,


Baker. It reports his safe arrival at Khartohtn, altar: Annexing Africa down to the Equator. "All rebellions intrigues' 'and slave trade completely put down, country orderly, Government perfectly organised, and road open as far as Zanzibar. Victory on June 8, with only 105 men, over an army." The House laughed a little at the bumptiousness of the telegram, but after all, Clive conquered Bengal with less than 800 Euro- peans, and Sir S. Baker may have found allies. It will be neces- sary, of course, to follow up the expedition, and we do not hear a word of revenue procurable. However, to have marched to the Lakes and returned alive is a great feat.