5 JULY 1913, Page 11

Mr. Arthur Lee, speaking at the International Congress for the

Suppression of the White Slave Traffic on Wednesday, said that the people who lived on the earnings of others were the keystone of the matter. If they struck at these people they got rid of the greater part of the problem. He was convinced that the penalty of flogging was the reason why the Criminal Law Amendment Act was being effective. At any rate foreign traffickers had largely disappeared from this country. He was not optimistic enough to suppose that they returned to honest work in their own country. They had only succeeded in transferring the evil abroad, and therefore the Congress should arrive at some common international standard for the suppression of the traffic. His ambition was to bring home to the white slavers that the whole world regarded them as vermin which it was the duty of the civilized world to stamp out, and that they should have no rest, no peace, no mercy.