5 JULY 1930, Page 5

News of the Week


ACROP of rumours recently sprouted in Simla. Such

rumours, coming from a few persons who are as a rule well informed and who work near the centre of authority, were widely spoken of as though they had some kind of inspiration—were at least " semi-official." The sense of them was that the British Government and the Government of India had decided to go much further than the Simon recommendations. It was even suggested that the Simon Report had definitely been put on one side when the Viceroy declared a " new objective," in other words, when he described the goal of the reforms as Dominion status. These rumours really amounted to no more than au emphasis upon some facts at the expense of others. It was inconceivable that the long and studious labours of the Simon Com- mission should be ignored. The Report of the Commission is obviously the most important single contribution yet made to the Indian discussion.