5 JULY 1957, Page 28

MR. GREENWOOD'S UNION SIR,—Taper has so often been unkind to

my col- leagues that my outspoken admiration for him has at times been in danger of being misunderstood. I am therefore glad that he has now been unkind to me too.

One of his shots, however, has missed the target. 'For goodnCss sake,' asks Taper, 'what union does Mr. Greenwood, who sports one of the whitest collars in the House, belong to?'

The answer is that, apart from the time when I was in the Civil Service (and therefore debarred) and in. the RAF, I have been a member of the Transport and General Workers' Union since 1936 and am, indeed, a member of the union's Parlia- mentary group.

As time goes on my friend Taper will find that quite a lot of trade unionists wear white collars.— Yours faithfully,