5 JUNE 1830, Page 5

FATT.VRE AT Lzans.—We are sorry to announce the failure of

an old and respectable manufacturing and mercantile house in the woollen line in this town. The engagements of the firma are said to exceed 100,000e, and several of the wool-staplers and dyers of Leeds are heavy sufferers.— Leeds Intelligencer. WENTWORTH AND CO.'S BANKRUPTCY.II is expected that the Bradford and York Banks will ultimately pay nearly 20s. in the pound ; but in the Wakefield Bank, to which the great mass of the creditors belong, there will be a deplorable deficiency. In the Wakefield estate it requires about 30,009/. to pay a dividend of Is. in the pound.—Leeds Inteligencer.

Puensitsreemr Or DEATIL—A most respectable meeting took place in the Ship Rooms, Brighton, on Tuesday; when a petition against capital punishment in cases of forgery was unanimously agreed to.

NEWSPAPER Tex.—Mr. O'Connell has addressed a letter to the Dublin Morning Register, in which he states the determination of the Duke of Wellington to proceed with the proposed Irish newspaper tax ; and calls on all voters in Ireland, as the proper rettra for this resolution, to

refuse their support to every one who befriends the Duke's Administration.

RAmo.a. REPORIC—A meeting in favour of Pdica1 Reform was held, on the 1st instant, on Hunslet Moor, Leeds. The number present was about five thousand. The principal speakers were a Mr. Mann, and. the Rev. Geo. Beaumont, of Norwich, an old end well-known Radical

Reformer. Resolutions in favour of an assoc.: on the principles of the London Union were unanimously passed.

HERESY AT CAMBRIDGE...--Petitions are in the course of signature, to relieve the students at this University from signing the Thirty-nine Articles !

nor ItyrarArnENcE.—On Saturday last we had a considerable increase of fly in the plantations in this neighbourhood ; but, in consequence of the high and cold winds to-day, not so many are to be found, they having retreated to the runners and the hedgerows. The weak liines, in many places, have stopped growing. Reports from 'Cranbrook Fair state that the low grounds are very much loaded with fly.—.MaidStone Gazette.

On Tuesday last, at Brencbley, 150 flies were counted on a leaf not so large as a crown-piece, but in most instances they lie too thick to be counted. The bine, however, has continued to grow vigorously till within the last few days, when it was checked. In one garden at Headcorn, and in others in different parts, the owners are taking up the poles, convinced that it is quite hopeless to expect a crop. The stocks are quite dead, supposed to be entirely rotted by the rains of last slimmer. Last year the fly did not make its appearance till the 28th of May ; this year it began to be visible on the 11th, nearly three weeks earlier. We have been assured by a planter, who in 1828 grew HA bags an acre, that, unless an early and very decided improvement take place, he shall not this year grow more than two. Another very extensive planter, who has been practically connected with farming for many years, considers that there are indications of a more " general blight than has been known for the last thirty-five years."—fiicIstone Journal