5 JUNE 1858, Page 11



The decline in the value of the English Funds since the opening on Mon- day morning amounts to 1 per cent. The market has been heavy and drooping nearly every day ; the principal causes being the tone of American news respecting the late operations of British cruisers on the coast of Cuba, and the number of " Bull" accounts which were kept open and requiring to be closed for the settling yesterday. Business in every department of the Stock Exchange has been exceedingly slack, the fineness of the weather having drawn off many of the principal dealers : there is indeed generally very little doing during the "Ascot" week. The first quotation in Consols on Monday was at a decline of 1 upon Saturday, but before the end of the day a recovery took place of 1 per cent ; this was the only time the market showed any signs of buoyancy. Prices have been heavy, and have gradually drooped to the present figures, which are the closing—Consols for July, 971 1 ; Reduced, 96/ 4 ; Bank Stock, 219 221 ; India Stock, 221 223. Exchequer '}ills, 33 37. The instalment of 15 per cent on the Indian Four per Cent Loan falls due on Thursday next. It has been an- nounced that the Bank of England will make advances at 3 per cent during the shutting on Government Securities and long-dated bills not having more than six months to run.

There has been very little animation in the Foreign Stock Market throughout the week, and quotations remained at about the same as last week. The atteutibn of the dealers has been principally drawn to the new Brazilian Loan, which has fluctuated between 11 and f per cent premium. The applications for this Loan were greatly in excess of the amount to be issued, so that the allowances were reduced by Messrs. Rothschild to about one-fifth of the amount applied for. Turkish. Six per Cent, 95} 96 ; Ditto Four per Cent, 1031 1041 ; Venezuela Active, 37 39 ; New Brazilian, a 1 prem. ; Victor Emmanuel, f 1 prem. ; Mexican, 20f 201; Peruvian Four- and-a-half per Cent, 861 871; Ditto Three per Cent, 66 67 ; Spanish Three per Cent, 441 451; Russian Five per Cent, 111 113 ; Portuguese Three per Cent, 461 47.

The Railway Share Market has exhibited no important feature all the week, and although there is a general decline in prices to be noticed the transactions have been of the most meagre description. The closing figures of the chief stocks and shares are as follows—Midland, 91f 92; Great Western, 511 52; London and North-Western, 911 92 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 89f 90; Sheffield, 37 38 ; Great Northern, 251 25f ; North Staf- ford, 514& dis. ; Brighton, 107} 108} ; Berwick, 90191. The Indian Market has scarcely as yet recovered from the flatness conse- quent on the late issues, notwithstanding some considerable purchases for investment. East Indian, 1031 1041; Madras 20/. Shares, 201 f. The French Market is still dull ; however, the traffic on some lines is beginning to show improvementa.and a rise in prices is looked for by those well in- formed.

An Account, pursuant to the

on Wednesday BANK OP ENGLAND.

7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week the 2d day of June 1858.



Notes teamed

431,959,215 Government Debt 411,015,100

Other Securities 8,459,900

Gold Coin and Bullion 17,484,215

Silver Bullion




Proprietors. Capital £14,543,000 Government Securities (inclu- Beat 3,156,949 ding DeadWeightAnnuity). 410,526,563 Public Deposits. 5,013,744 Other Securities 14,784,528 Other Deposits 14,365,512 Notes 11,890,435

Seven Days and other Bills_

771,912 Gold and Silver Coln 719,384 437,861,110 437,861,110 • Including Excheguer,Saving-Banks, Commissioners of National Debt, & Dividend Acct.

The Eastent Steam Navigation Company need 220,0001. to complete the Leviathan. They propose to raise the money in a novel way—by granting annuities of Si. for eight years for every 201. subscribed, the annuities

payable from the profits of the Company. The Directors have decided that the Leviathan shall be permanently employed in the traffic between Eng- land and America. Portland, in the State of Maine, whence there is direct' communication with all the principal railways of the United States and Canada, is to be the American port, and Holyhead or Liverpool will be se- lected on this side. The palmier is hoped to be regularly aecompliahed in seven days, and it is considered that seven or eight voyages out and home may be performed yearly. An estimate is put forward of probable earnings, showing a net profit of 17,7001. per voyage. In this it is assumed the num- ber of passengers each way will be 2100, and that the fares should be 211., 12/„ and 61. for first, second, and third class. [Thus the Eastern Steam Navigation Company will be converted into a Western Company.]

The prospectus has been issued of a Central Africa Company {limited), an undertaking formed to carry out, under a Government subsidy, a con- tract for the exploration of the Niger and its tributaries in steamers of light draught, the establishment of factories, and the development of trade with the interior of Africa. The capital is 100,0001., in 101. shares, and the management will be conducted by Mr. Macgregor Laird, by whom the original contract was obtained. Trading operations have already com- menced at three factories between the mouth of the Niger and its con- fluence with the Chadda, and are stated to show a satisfactory result.

The suspension of Messrs. Rawson, Sons, and Co., a firm largely engaged in the East India and China trade, was 'announced on Wednesday. The stoppage was caused by the depreciation in the value of all kinds of Eastern produce, and the failure in the receipt of remittances from the Last. It is expected that all claims will eventually be paid in full, and even that a surplus will remain for the partners. The direct liabilities are said to be 700,000!.

A Port Phillip Dock Company is projected ; a dock is much wanted in Victoria.

The Asia Minor Central Railway project is abandoned for the present ,- the rights conceded by the Turkish Government will, however, be preserved for a more favourable opportunity of putting the scheme into operation.

The colonial wool-sales have terminated very well—while at the corn- mencetnent a reduction of 11d. to 2d. per pound was submitted to, at the close there was a recovery to almost the prices of the last sales. The quan- tity offered was 58,316 bales.

The Board of Trade have advertised the conditions of tender for the con- struction of a single line of railway and telegraph at the Cape from Cape Town to Wellington, via Stellenbosch, under a guarantee from the colony, which will also furnish the requisite land.

There was a decline of Is. in the Corn-market on Monday, the fine summer weather, and good foreign supplies, tending to depress the market.

A question as to the exemption of certain checks from the new penny stamp has been settled by the Board of Inland Revenue : a check payable to "self" when presented by the drawer is exempt, but if presented by the drawer's clerk a stamp must be attached.

In most Railway Shares there was a fall of from 3 to 4 per cent during the month of May, owing to bad traffic-returns and Parliamentary decisions favourable to competing lines.

The Victoria Docks have recently been made a place for the receipt and warehousing of tobacco ; as they arc a considerable distance from London, the Company have had electric wires laid down from their office in Rood Lane to the Docks ; when duty has been paid at the Customhouse on to- bacco, the fact is conveyed to the Docks by the telegraph, and a speedy de- livery of the goods is effected.