5 JUNE 1858, Page 20


Following the precedent of last year, the prizes selected by this Edin- burgh body, which corresponds nearly with our London Art-Union, but somewhat goes beyond it in public scope, are on exhibition at Mr. Wales- by's gallery in Waterloo Place. We do not find so much to commend as before in the selection. The chief prize, however, is a remarkable work—a Highland Cattle Raid, by Mr. Gourley Steel. For rough vigour and flourish, ovine and bovine discomfiture, tartaned helterskelter, brawny blackguardism, and artistic bluster, the picture is memorable : it cannot fail to excite the enthusiasm of Glenlivat, and the applause of the multi- tude. Nor is the effort wholly unhealthy : but there is too much evident self-applause in it, and no latent promise of higher development.