5 JUNE 1926, Page 2

• * * * We deal in a leading article

with the anxious outlook in Egypt. Ziwar Pasha still holds the office of Prime Minister, in spite of the overwhelming success of the Wafd party in the elections which we chronicled last week. Zaghlul Pasha has had a long interview with Lord Lloyd, in which he was doubtless given to understand at what points he would meet with the firm opposition of His Majesty's Government if he proceeded to carry out the policy attributed to him. It is not yet certain whether Zaghlul or some nominee of his will become Prime Minister. Meanwhile Judge Kershaw, who was overruled by his two Egyptian colleagues in the recent murder trial, has resigned as a protest against what he says was in the case of at least four of the persons ac- quitted a grave miscarriage of justice. The British Government have therefore announced that they cannot accept the verdict.