5 JUNE 1926, Page 2

The two soldiers, Chang Tro-lin and Wu Pei-fu, who combined

their forces to expel Feng Yu-hsiang, the " Christian " general, from Peking, have not yet fallen out between themselves, but are expected to meet shortly near Peking and agree upon some form of Government. Some of their troops by way of interlude had a brief mutiny last week. They do not inspire Marshal Sun Chuan-fang, the Governor of the Provire?.s round Shang- hai, with great confidence. He has federated his five Provinces (and seized the salt gabelle) with the announce- ment that they will be an independent State unless the other generals produce a sound Government in Peking. The Times naturally made fun of his solemn declaration that he will apply a new Monroe Doctrine to his State, as though the original had been announced to the world by the South American Republics themselves ! Sun is said to be a strong and capable man, and according to precedent his action is likely to combine Chang and Wu against himself, since fear of another party is a stronger cord of amity among Tuchuns than mutual love and respect.