5 JUNE 1936, Page 3

Queen Mary's' First Crossing The repeated official assertions that the

'Queen Mary' would .make no attempt on the record on her maiden voyage perhaps increased the excitement when she almost beat it in spite of herself. If she did not actually achieve that, she certainly showed that she can whenever she wants to and fog does not prevent her. But it would be absurd to pretend that the purpose of building a £5,000,000 ship is to win a blue riband. What is important is that, according to Sir Percy Bates, the Queen Mary' proved herself to be the most economical and efficient ship yet built for the Atlantic service. jr this is true, it is almost certain that the sister-ship will be built and great relief given to unemployment in an area where relief is most needed. Those to whom the depressed areas mean more than blue ribands will consider it the great vessel's greatest achievement if she has justified the building of a second ship like her to complete the service.