5 JUNE 1936, Page 3

Scouting in Africa An article by Lord Baden-Powell in The

Times on the Scout movement in Africa makes some interesting com- ments on the difficulties it has met with owing to racial prejudice in the Union. The Chief Scout writes with natural pride of the success of his movement among Beelmanas, Barotse, Zulus, Basutos and other native tribes, and also among the whites, Boer and English, in the Union. But when the natives in the Union wished to become scouts their admission had to be postponed owing to the opposition it aroused. Yet, as Lord Baden- Powell says, nothing could be more necessary than a movement which by its educational and physical activities could restore to the natives something of the pride and self-esteem they have lost in the process by which their civilisation has been destroyed by the white man. It may be added that a movement in which the native and white races, especially in childhood and youth, could meet in equality might be as instructive to the whites as to the blacks of the Union.