5 MARCH 1836, Page 11

Tile Adelphi entertainments have been varied this week by the

re- preksezion of JERROLD'S pretty little piece The Schoolfellows, originally Tile Adelphi entertainments have been varied this week by the re- preksezion of JERROLD'S pretty little piece The Schoolfellows, originally brought out at the Queen's ; and by-a broad farcical bueletta miscalled The Balance of Comfort-it should be discomfort-which creates a laugh at the expense of the female part of the community, who are repre- sented as the tyrants of the men, either as. wives or housekeepers. Between the hired despotism of the housekeeper and the more legiti- mate tyranny of the wife, as weighed in " the balance of comfort," it would be hard indeed to choose-both are found wanting in happiness.