5 MARCH 1837, Page 6

Cbe fiietropaltS. The Lord Mayor, on Saturday, gave a splendid

entertainment at the Mansionhouse to his Majesty's Ministers. The viands and wines were doubtless superb; but the speeches of Ministers, Aldermen, and citizens of every degree, were us commonplace, complimentary, and stupid as usual.

A meeting was held at the Crown and Anchor, on Monday, to peti- tion Parliament for the repeal of the Poor-law. Earl Stanhope was in the chair, supported by Mr. Harvey and Mr. John Fielden. The speeches of the Chairman and of the gentlemen who followed him con- sisted chiefly of denunciation against the Poor-law, its alleged cruelty, iojustice, and dearness. The principal event of the day was the theft of Earl Stanhope's splendid gold snuff-box, which an undiscovered member of the swell-mob appropriated to his own purposes.

The large room at the Crown and Anchor was also tilled, on Tues. day, by a numerous assembly of the working classes, who met to peti- tion Parliament for Universal Suffrage, No Property Qualification, Annual Parliaments, Vote by Ballot, Eyed Representation, and the Payment of Members of the House of Commons. The speeches went the full length indicated by the topics above-mentioned. Mr. Roebuck was selected to present the petition ; and Sir William Moles- worth, Mr. Hutt, Mr. Harvey, Mr. Hume, Mr. Ewart, Mr. Gully, and other Members, were requested to support its prayer.

The Society of Ancient Britons dined together at Willis's Rooms, on Wednesday ( St. David's Day) ; Mr. Wealth' Williams Wynn in the chair. Among the distinguished guests were, the Bishops of Llandaff, Bangor, St. Asaph, and Lincoln, Sir Love Parry, Lord Kenyon, and Mr. Rice 'frevor. The collection made for the charity school which the Society supports amounted to 1.05111., including 10.1/. from the Ring, and 50/. from the Dutehess of Kent and the Princess Victoria.

Mr. Green, the late Professor of Surgery at King's College, and now a member of the Council of that institution, has presented the College with the splendid collection of models, drawings, did:4111111F, which he had brought together at it very considerable cost both of time and money, during his long professional labours.

The new by-laws made by the Corporation of London for the good government of the shipping, came into operation on Monday last. The primary object of these laws is to maintaiu it navigable passage of not less than 300 feet through the Pool to St Katherine's Dock, and '200 feet from thence upwards to London Bridge. The principal .Harbour-master, Captain Fisher, R.N., is to have the general super- intendence of the river duty, and will reside at the:maid'. There are three other Hai boor-masters, who will be answerable for the good regulations of their respective di-triets; to effect nLich, additional powers are given them by the new by-laws.

The Montreal americea pad:it-ship left the St. Katherine's Dock on Tuesday afternoon, and the river yesterday, for r:s;, w York, with 103 steerage passengers, cuasistio4 of agrieulturists, mechanics, and poor families, who intend settiiug in Canada end the Lilired States. There are 14 cabin passen4, r, oil board, surf a full mem The Medi- ator, a ne w and spieedid v.-sel, Las lately arrived tr,an Ai rerica. and is lying in the same duck. See e•.11 carry out 130 passen;yrs to New York.