5 MARCH 1837, Page 6

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The meeting of the electors of Sheffield to select a candidate to represent them in Parliament in the room of Mr. Buckingham, was highly creditable to the good sense and patriotism of the Liberals of that important town. It appears that the Secretary of the Reform Association was applied to by the Liberals, as soon as it was ascer- tained that neither Mr. Bailey nor Mr. T. A. Ward of Sheffield would become candidates, to recommend some gentleman qualified to represent the borough. The nd:satire Secretary pointed out Mr. H. G. Ward, M. P., Mr. Howard Elphinstone, M. l'., Mr. M. D. Hill, and Colonel Turret's. 7 hume gentlemen were applied to, that it might be as- certained e healer, if cIccted by the Sheffield consti t uency, they would come forward. Mr. 11111 declined the proffered honour, un the ground that his professienel uvucetions left him no time to attend to ruffle- mentary business. Mr. Elpbinstone returned no answer. Colonel Torrens was ready to come forward. Mr. 1Vrightson, brother of the Member tier Northallerton, Mr. Matthew Talbot Baines, and Mr. George Hadfield, were also mentioned ; but the Registration Com- mittee of Sheffield, after due consideration, determined unanimously on recons 'rending Mr. II. G. Ward to the electors; and the electors

unanitnou-ly confirmed their decision. Thus it appears that Mr. Ward was nut chosen hastily, nor by a clique or coterie. He is the choice of the Liberals of Sheffield, after much inquiry and serious de- liberation.

The Liverpool Chronicle has a spirited address to the Irish residents in Liverpool, calling upon them to remember, at the next election, that it is their battle the Liberals are fighting in Parliament and the country.

Mr. Ceokes will retire from the representation of East Worcester- shire, on account of ill-health. The candidate to succeed him on the Liberal side is Mr. Hodgetts Foley.

A public dinner was given at Hastings, on Monday, to Mr. Hollond, the gentleman who accompanied Mr. Green in his late aeronautical voyage to the Continent, and who is a candidate on the Reform in. terest for the representation of Hastings. The company were too numerous to be entertained in any one room in the town, and dinners were given at the four hotels.

The Town-Council of Leicester have indignantly rejected the claim of the old Tory Town-Clerk to the enormous sum of 28,0001. claimed by him as compensation for the loss of his office.

At a public meeting of the inhabitants of Leicester, held in the Town-ball on Monday, and presided over by the Mayor, a petition for the repeal of the Corn-laws was unanimously adopted.