5 MARCH 1842, Page 21


Tuesday, March 1.


R. and T. Crips, Windmill Street. harness makers-C. and C. Asprey, Mitcham, ironmongera-Horuer and Shafto, Barnard Castle. spirit-merchants - R.. E., and S. Lonadale, Regent Street, hosiers; as far as regards E. Lonsdale-J. and T. Watson, Nottingham. linendrapers-Radford and Co. Manchester. surgeons-R. awl 3. Sanders, Warwick, timber merchants-Mortley and Millard, Wedmore, Somersetshire. drapers -S.. C.. and E. Waterlield, Duustable, straw hatmanufacturers-Longbotham and Magill. York, drapers-Taubman and Thomas, Liverpool. joiners-Gist and Haloane. Devonport, brewers-R. and W.151 Hayes, Liverpool, pawnbrokers-Atherton and Co. Caine. solicitors; as far as regards Athertou-Lees and Bailey. Oldham. cotton- spinners -Wragg and Long, Sheffield, merchants-T. and I. B. Hollings, Bradford, Yorkshire. worsted-spinners -Shepperley and Co. Belper, watchmakers -J. and 7. Smithies, Thornton, Yorkshire, worsted-manufacturers-J. and 3. Tucker. Newport, Hampshire, coal-merchauts-T. and G. Monk, Broadway, Westminster. oilmen- Angier and Rayner, Philpot Lane, ship-brokers-Fison and Leather, Bradford, York- shire, stuff-manufacturers-Morley and Alderson, Sloane Square, letterpress-printers - Kelsey and Co. Reigate. schoolmistresses ; as far as regards Paget-J. and J. Ingham, Keelham-in-Thornton, Yorkshire, worsted-stuff manufacturers-Wilmshurst and Bathe. Manchester. machine-makers-Horswell and Disteu, Stonehouse Manor Mills, Devon- shire, millers-J. and M. Tully, Bovey Tracey, Devonshire, millers-J. and I. Knight, Manchester, accountants.


BARLOW, Josepri, Lichfield, ironmonger, Feb. 28. MARCUM, HENRY Resler. Liverpool, tobacconist, Feb. 28. WOOD, JOHN ALFRED, Bromsgrove, chemist, Feb. 28.


BAILEY, Enwean, Mount Street, Grosvenor Square, upholsterer, to surrender March 11, April 12: solicitors. Messrs. Bailey and Co. Beruers Street; official assignee, Mr. Turquand. Copthall Buildings.

Baowe, Joins, Sheffield, merchant, March 19, April 12: solicitors, Mr. Rodgers. King Street, Cheapside; and Mr. Rodgers. Sheffield.

CRICHTON, Joni; senior. Manchester, machine-maker. March 16, April 11: solicitors, Mr. Hadfield, Manchester; and Messrs. Johnson and Co. Temple. GREEN, EDWARD, Clifford Street, Bond Street. tailor, March 11. April 12: solicitor. Mr. Bromley. Gray's lun; official assienee, Mr. Alsager, Birchin Lane. HUTION, JOHN, Feuchurch Street, merchant, March 11, April 12: solicitors. Messrs. Sharpe and Co. Bedford Row ; official assignee, Mr. Gibson, Basinghall Street. MAsoN, Thomas. Stowford Mills, Harford, miller. March 12. April 12: solicitors. Mr. Sure, Lombard Street; and Messrs. Lockyer and Co. Plymouth.

Pr000rr. Wriasam Ammar, Goldsmith Street, Cheapside, carpet- warehouseman, March 8, April 12: solicitor, Mr. Kiss, Copthall Court; official assignee, Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lase.

Rouses, SPENCER, Dale Hill, Staffordshire, earthenware-manufacturer, March 16, April 12: solicitors, Milne and Co. Temple; and Slater and Heels, Manchester. Thompson. Wiraram, Princes Street, Spitalfields, hat-manufacturer. March 10. April 12: solicitors Mews. Crowder and Maynard, Mansiouhouse Place ; official assignee, Mr. Alsa,ger, Birchin Lane. TIBIBRELL Geomax Polymer, Philip Lane. Addle Street, worsted spinner, March 9, April 12, solicitors, Messrs. Reed and Shaw, Friday Street. and Mr. Bunting, Man- chester; official ;soignee, Mr. Latckiogton, Coleman Street Buildings.


March 15, Gummer. late of Hart Street, Mark Lane. wine-merchant-March 24, Whitmore and Co. bankers - March 24, Bayly, Exeter, Devonshire, straw-bonnet dealer-March 23, Winterbourn, Albemarle Street, Piccadilly, hotel-keeper-March 26, Gilburd, Brighton, Sussex, wine-merchant-March 26. Little aud Chalmers. Norwich. drapers-March 24, Smithand Chalmers, Norwich, linen-drapers - March 24, Morris, Tredegur Iron Works, Monmouthshire, draper-March 26, Spence. Dewsbury. York- shire, grocer-March 23, Mary and Henry Clayton, East Belford. Nottinghamshire, drapers-March 24,1Edwards, Pembroke. miller-March 28, Green. Dartmouth, Devon- shire, ship-builder - April 15, Wilson. Leeds. timber-merchant-April 21, Webster. Hulme. Lancashire, banker-March 28, Williams, Bridge, Kent, brewer-March 28, Nicholson, Canterbury, Kent, coal-merchant - March 26, Atkinson, Lancaster,

druggist. CERTIFICATES To' be ormsted.unkss cause be shown to the contrary, on or before March 22. Harwood, Streatham, lodging-housekeeper - W. and J. Wilson, Boston, Lincoln- shire, liuendrripers - Hemming. Chiswelt Street, elastic surgical instrument maker - Thome, Warwick Square, printer - Stevenson senior. Compton Street, Brunswick Square, patent safety paper maker-Browurigg. Liverpool, coal-merchant -Topley. Greenwich, grocer-Amos. Walbrook, sponge-manufacturer-Rainey, Spalding. Liu- colnetire, innkeeper - Evans, Birmingham, painter -Roberts, Gower Street North, wine-merchant. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIoNs.

ANDERSON, GRAHAM, Dundee, merchant, March 5, 24.

CAMERON, ALEXANDER, Johnstone, cotton-spinner, March 3, 24. INOLTS, Rol:12ST, Wislialvton, grocer, March 7,28. SCEALEs, MEIKLE nonsrAnovenos, Edinburgh. coal-merchant March 5, 25. Went, JOHN, Glasgow, tea-dealer, March 8.29.

Friday, March. 4.


Godday and Honsley, surgeons, Mitcham -I. and M. F. Lee, London Wall, print- sellers-S. and T. R. Guppy: Bristol, sugar-refiners --Killick and Co. Dover, fur- niture-warehousemen-Knowles and Co Higher Booths, Lancashire, calico-printers- 'Turner and Clarkson, Coventry Street, furniture-printers-M. A. and M. N. Lathbury, Braunston, Northamptonshire, schoolmistresses-Macdonald and Holland. Lower Chap- man Street, St. George's in the East, tobacco manufacturers -Jefford and Cox. Bir- iniugham, grocers - Sntcliffe and Oxley, Manchester, cotton-epiuners-Blackburne and Stretch. Liverpool, ale-dealers-Thompson and Fauset, Liverpool. painters-Jones and Coker, Tranmere. Cheshire, slaters-Tipton and Jason, Manchester. pattern-carol- makers-Watson and Fry, Loughborough. Leicestershire, hosiers-S. and T. Evetts Birmingham, plumbers-Ridgway and Peacop. Latchford, Cheshire. tanners-Jones and Co. Liverpool, opticians ; as far as regards C. Jones-J. and M. S. Bletchley, Bristol, common-carners-Secretau and Scott, Birchin Lane, stock-brokerse-Marslaud and Hope, Manchester, cotton-merchants-E. and J. Payne, Theme, Oxfordshire, wooletaplers-Taylor and Greenwood. Sheffield, joiners-Tweedy and Co. bankers ; as far as regards W. Rogers-Hirst and Co. fancy-cloth-manufacturers, as far as regards J. Hirst, A. Sykes, aud J. Hirst.


JACKSON, SAMUEL and THOMAS FREDERICK, Bermondsey Street, woolstaplers, March!. WORTH, THOMAS, Northampton, furniture-broker, March 2.

WATSON JOHN, Manchester, muslin-manufacturer. March 4.


FOTHEROTLL, MARK and MICHAEL. Upper Thames Street, drysalters. WILLIAMS. WILLIAM, and HILL, THOMAS, Bow Churchyard, linendrapers. HUM, THOMAS, Bow Churchyard, commission-agent.


Awn:onus, DANIEL G . reat Budworth, salt-merchant, to surrender March 16, April 15 : solicitors, Mr. Cole, Adelphi Terrace; and Mr. Saxon. Northwich. BALDWIN, THOMAS, Worcester, innkeeper. March 11. April 15: solicitors, Mr. Letts, Bartlett's Buildings; and Mr. Finch, Worcester. Beeps, GARDNER, and Cu. Great Winchester Street, merchants, March 15, April 15 : solicitors. Messrs. Simpson and Cobb, Austinfriars; official assignee, Mr. Pennell, Basinghall Street.

Carrcassr, JOHN, Liverpool, bricklayer, March 17, April 15: solicitors, Messrs. Sharpe and Co. Bedford Row; and Mr. Banner, Liverpool. Davis, ELIVARD, Bath, architect. March 15, April 15 : solicitors, Mr. Frowd, Essex Street, Strand ; and Messrs. Cruttwell and Sous, Bath. Fantle, RICHARD WALROND, Billingsgate, fish salesman. March 11, April 15 : solicitor, Mr. Cox, Sise Lane; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Basiughall Street.

HARRISON. HENRY, Mauchester, commission-agent. March 16, April 15: solicitors, Mr. Scott, Lincoln's Inn Fields; and Mr. Morris,1Manchester.

WILUAM NATHAN, Watliug Street, stationer, March 14, April 15: solicitor, Mr. Wolleer, Bucklersbury; official assignee. Mr. Graham, Basingball Street. NIXON, JAMES, Great Portland Street, upholsterer, March 19, April 15: solicitor, Mr. Tate, Basinghall Street; official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry. PARTRIDGE, JAMES BIRCH, Birmiugham, cutler, 311xxch 14, April 15: solicitors, Mr. Harrison, Birmingham; and Mr. Chaplin, Gray's Inn. Ruinzsr, JOHN MA7130N. Wingham, Kent. maltster, March 22, April 15: solicitors, Messrs. Egan and Co. Essex Street ; and Curteis and Kingsford, Canterbury. SLATER, WILLIAM, Marton, Cheshire, banker, March 16, April 15: solicitors, Mr. Saxon, Northwich ; and Mr. Cole, Adelphi Terrace. &repines, SAMUEL Fox. Old Broad Street, bill-broker, March 11, April 15 : solicitor, Mr. Cox, Old Broad Street ; official assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard. WEBB. CHARLES HENRY. Forebridge, Staffordshire. corn-dealer, March 16. AprIl 15: solicitors, Messrs. Clowes and Wedlake, Temple: and Hieru aud Ward. Stafford. WRIGHT, JoHN, Birmingham, cabinetmaker. March 18, April 15: solicitors, Mr. Whitehouse, Chancery Lane. DIVIDENDS.

March 26, Vicat, Nelson Place, Old Kent Road. lineutiraper-March 26. Cousins, Greenwich. lodging-house keeper-March 30. Ballinger. Swansea, baker-March 30, Judd, Birmingham. cornfactor -April 4, Brighton. Cheltenham, commission-ageut - March 29, Ravenscroft Manchester, banker-April 28, Dare, Exeter. builder-March 29, Bridgewater. Birmingham, victuallt r-March 29, Jaques and Wilson, Leeds, flax- spinners-April 20, Turk. Cheltenham, saddler-March 31. Merge: Longdon. Staf- fordshire, bookseller-March 26, Lister, Walley. Yorkshire, eloti.-manun turer- April 1, Quickfall. Newcastle upon-Tyne. draper-March At, Wright, Walton, Nadu*. grocer -Apri112, Yapp, Weobley, Herefordshire. grocer.


Tube granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before flarch 25. Young. Newport, Monmouthshire, ship-builder-J. and S. Holt, L..,-'pool, gloss- manufacturers - Nash. Budge Row, tea- ilealer-Novra, Red Lion Square, importer of foreign goods-West, Commercial Road, Lambeth, coal-merchant -Chiver, Ipswich, cabinet. maker. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS.

BROWN. Atxxstmra, Glasgow, muslin-manufaeturer. March 11, April 4. MACKENZIE, ANDREW, Dingwall. merchant. March 7, 29. RANKI5r, CHASLEs. Durnfermline,nail-manufactorer. March II, April 1.

Ronearsorr, Donuts). Edinburgh. coach-hirer, March 7.28. ANDERSON, JAMES Hoterea. Gieenock, merchant, March 10, 31. SUTHERLAND, JAMES, Edinburgh, coal-merchant, March 10,30. WADDELL, WILLIAM, Glasgow. writer, March 7, April 6. WiliTTET. THOMAS, Perth. merchant. March 10,31.