5 MARCH 1864, Page 1

The military news from America is slight, but important, being

contained in the statement that General Sherman has marched right across the whole State of Mississippi and seized a point on the Mobile and Ohio railroad which enables him to divide Bishop Polk's army or to invade Alabama. A severer blow to the South is, however, the order by which General Banks disposes of the diffi- culty caused by the planters of Louisiana throwing the country out of cultivation. That order is analyzed in another place, but we must mention here that so great hitherto have been the sufferings of the freedmen that Mr. T. B. Potter earnestly calls upon the people of Manchester for aid. The absence of work has left them hungry, naked, and houseless, and General Banks had therefore to choose between forcing a resumption of labour, which is, however, free and pail for, and feeding the whole popu- lation without crops.