5 MARCH 1910, Page 18

ITo TEM EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—" Cumberland, outside the

Lake District, is singularly little known to the average Southerner." Thus your reviewer of " Silverwool " in last week's Spectator. He gives point to this genial statement by adding : "Yet he must be a most prosaic person if he has not yielded to the spell of the Cumberland land- scape as the train pants up Shap Fell." As the whole of the Shap Fells are in Westmorland, the spell of the Cumberland landscape may easily elude even a prosaic person.—I am, Sir, &c.,

IV The S.P.G. missionary at St. Michael's, Kemmendine, Burma, begs to thank the unknown friend who has sent him the Spectator with such kindness and regularity. During his furlough in England it will be read by his successor if addressed as before.