5 MARCH 1921, Page 14


THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR.—It too often happens that when British parents from over- seas bring their children " Home" the ordinary every-day difficulties of suitable accommodation, and the harassment and discomfort connected with everything to &with. children in tem- porary quarters, sends. them back feeling that their visit has been a disappqintment, a discouraging memory to the children as they grow up. A scheme is now under consideration which aims at starting Family Houses where the needs of parents travelling with children will be studied and arranged for on sensible, homely lines. A special kind of hotel for a special need, and run not as a money-making concern, but with profits in the hands of trustees, and devoted to. extension.of the idea. Many details for comfort and convenience have been planned, also a bureau of information on subjects concerning children. Pleasant social arrangements for welcome and friendliness can be made, and the staffing offers a field for the best, type of domestic worker (including a resident trained nurse). A start could be made immediately in a very large furnished house with garden if a loan fund can be raised-of not leas than £1,500 at bank rata of interest, repayable in a. year, or renewable, or convertible into shares in a company when formed. The National. Provincial and Union. Bank of England, 88 Cromwell Road, S.W. 7, will receive. and acknowledge cheques, crossed " Family House Loan Fund." An honorary treasurer will be appointed and accounts audited. Other houses can also be started if funds are available, Further particulars can be had from Mrs. Goch, 93 Belgrave Road, S.W. 1. It is hoped that subscribers to the Loan Fund will become also, if they care to do so, members of an advisory committee. The scheme has the sympathy and approval of the Council of the Royal Colonial Institute and many other representative people, including Lord and Lady Selborne, Lord. Milner, Lord Sydenham, Sir Gilbert Parker, Admiral Sir Edmund Fremantle, Lieut.-Colonel L. S. Amery, the Rev. Dr. Clifford, the Rev. Pat. McCormick, D.S.O., Amy Lady Pelly, Miss Lilian Barker, Miss Louisa Duff, Mrs. Markham, Mrs. J.. H. Master, Mrs. St. Loe Strachey.—I am,

93 Belgrave Road, S.W. 1.

[Mrs. Gosh has got an excellent scheme and good backing, and we wish her all success insher venture. It is obvious, however, that all depends upon good management and a good connexion. Without these success is impossible. Also it is useless to attempt such, an adventure without a financial support which is really adequate.—En. Spectator.]