5 MARCH 1921, Page 22

REanariLa NOVSrs.—The _Mysterious Affair at Styles. By Agatha' Christie. (John

Lane. 7s. 6d. net.)—A detective' story in which, hi accordance with the traditions of Gaboriau, the murder is committed with the help of thelast person whom the reader thinks of suspecting.—Bannertan" a Agency. By W. Pett Ridge. (Methuen. 'Ts. 6d. net.)—The heroine of this novel, a clever, middle-class young woman, marries a business man whom she surpasses in- ability. Her husband comes back a hero at the end of the war, but the reader hopes that the wife will continue to run his commercial affairs.—The Second Wife. By Katharine Tynan. (john Murray. Is. 6d. net.)—A- charm- ingly written and sympathetic story of a second wife whose happiness is nearly wreaked by the family of her predecessor. All, however, ends well, and the heroine's charm receives full recognition by her husband. The other story in the book, "A July Rose," is rather less successful.—Wrycheater Para- dise. By J. S. Fletcher. (Ward, Lock. 7s. net".)-A. detective story containing two murders. The windings of the plot are most ingenious and will oompletely hold the reader's attention.