5 MARCH 1994, Page 26

Clochemerle, EC 2

ALDERMAN JOSIAH Gunton inaugurat- ed the gentleman's lavatory at the Bank underground station, and a brass plaque used to commemorate his public-spirited action. It has gone, in the station's long decline into a derelict building site. Now the Corporation of London, in the sprit of its Alderman, is coming to the rescue. Putting in its ratepayers' money beside London Under- ground's, it has brought the building pro- gramme forward five years, to this year. New escalators will roll up to a agreeable con- course, laid out with shops — someone should be selling flowers to homegoing City types who need to ingratiate themselves with their wives — and, of course, the Alderman Gunton Memorial Facility. If asked, I would be prepared to re-inaugurate it myself.