5 MAY 1838, Page 7

In the Court of Common Pleas,Guildball, yesterday, there were five

causes set down for trial ; but notice bad been given that there would be no defence as to four of them. When the fifth and last was called on, the attorney for the defendant did not answer. The learned Judge, after remarking upon the extraordinary fact that no attorney was present in any one cause, told the Jury that the plaintiff ought to recover 400/. ; and as no one appeared to gainsay the claim, they were bound to return a verdict for that amount. That having been done, the Court broke up, after being occupied about twenty minutes. At a meeting of Middlesex Magistrates on Tuesday, the landlord of the Turk's Head, in the Haymarket, appealed against the refusal of four Magistrates to renew the license of the house. Mr. Phillips, who appeared for the respondents, said he should show the sort of patronage the Marquis of Waterford, of whom he wished to speak with every respect, had extended to the house in question. The noble Mar- quis had ordered a butt of sherry wine to be given away at the house ; and the qualification required from the recipients was, that they should be women of abandoned character. Mr. Phillips described the scene that ensued after the distribution of the sherry; and called witnesses, who proved that the house was a complete scene of riot during the time tbe wine was distributed, and that a body of the Police was obliged to interfere. The Marquis was present on the occasion, and had a fight with a man in the house. The Police interrupted the fight, and dispersed the crowd. The appeal was instantly quashed.

At the Lambeth Office, on Thursday, a person calling herself Mrs. Stephens complained, that her husband, a young man whom she had just married, had been forcibly taken to a madhouse at Hoxton, and afterwards to Bethletn Hospital, by his father and brothers who were both present at the marriage; which, moreover, was sanctioned by her husband's mother. The Magistrates directed inquiry into the mutter ; and yesterday, a gentlemen attended the Police-office, and made a statement to the effect that Mr. Stephens was really insane, and that his wife knew it ; and that his father and brother had attended the mar- riage with a view of preventing, not sanctioning it. The clergyman who performed the marriage ceremony was not known. An inquiry into the circumstances by the Governors of Bethke) was made yester- day; and it was found that Mr. Stephens was insane, and had been properly admitted into the hospital.

The Honourable Algernon Curzon was escorted on Friday last by a corporal's party, as a deserter, to his regiment, lying at Chatham.

Mr. John Kennedy, a gentlematt oti family and handsome for-

tune, killed himself on Saturday, laudanum, when in a state

of derangement.

The progress of the Hippadre.ee ;;,ii is suspended by the absence of its principal supporters from eva . When they return from New- market at the end of the week, ii be introduced into the House of

Lords. A petition against it lies peen signed by 7,000 teachers of the Sunday schools in London and the environs.