5 MAY 1838, Page 7

The anniversary of Sir William Molesworth's first visit to Leeds

was celebrated by a public dinner at Holbeck, on Monday week. The chairman, Mr. Whitehead, professed himself a friend to Mr. Baines, as well as Sir William Molesworth ; but he could not and would not support one without the other. Mr. Dean said that there was no town in England which could boast of such a Representative as Sir William Moleswortb. He warned the Whigs against " making $ split ;" for the Radicals would say to the Whigs, " We will have Sir William Molesworth, or you shall not have your man." This declara- tion was received with loud cheers by the assembly. [ At the last elec- tion for Leeds, the numbers were—for Baines 2021, Molesworth 1873, Beckett 1764; majority for Baines over Beckett 2;i7: so that 133 Radicals voting for Beckett instead of Baines, or twice that number absenting themselves or voting for a third person of whatever politics, could execute Mr. Dean's threat against the 1Vhigs.] An election for Guardians of the Poor has taken place during the week, at Brighton. It is worthy of notice as indicating the state and strength of parties in that town. There were thirty vacancies, and the Whigs were unable to till one, owing to the junction of the Tories and Radicals. The lowest Tory had :259 votes more than the highest Whig. The Brighton Patriot " congratulates the town on the result, inasmuch as it gives another admonitory lesson to the Whigs." And the same paper adds, that there was " aggression on the part of the Whigs— counteraction on the part of the Tories and Radicals combined."

The dinner announced to be given to Mr. Harland, the Liberal Member for the city of Durham, by his supporters, in commemoration of his third return as one of its Representatives in Parliament, took place in the Assembly Room, North Bailey, on Monday week. The company was numerous and respectable. About 150 sat down to dinner.—Tyne Mercury.

A numerous meeting was held on Wednesday, in the Town-hall at Newport, to petition Purliatnent for the abolition of Negro Appren- ticeship. Sir George Grey was very roughly handled at this meeting; and his defence, which two gentlemen attempted, was greeted by his constituents with hisses arid roars of laughter. One of the speakers was vehemently cheered, when lie expressed his hope and belief, that if

Ministers refused to yield to the popular voice on this subject, they would be ignominiously turned out of office. Men of all parties and clergymen of various denominations attended this meeting.

A public meeting of the inhabitants of Liverpool, convened by the Mayor, (in compliance with a requisition signed by numbers of the most influential merchants of the town,) was held on Friday, for the purpose of passing certain resolutions, strongly condemnatory of the present high charges of postage, and praying an immediate reduction thereof.