5 MAY 1838, Page 9


Arrived—At Gravesend, May 1st, Francis Ann, Hay, from China; Beugalee. II &Mit.. ton, from Bengal; and Asi 5, Stead, from Dumbay; 2,1, Fait Ile, Agoor„ from Manilla; and Advocate, Wilkinson, from Mauritius. At Liverpool, Ap,il 2901, John oiGaunt, lioboot.uti, tram China ; 30th, Orleana, Cameron ; and Frsoores, Ileath, (room Bom- bay ; and A11.1,11, Lodge. from Heugai ; 3d, Tory, Reed, from It onhay. At the Cape, Das id. Scott, Spence, from London; 211d, W. W11■0111. Millar, from Msulras. At Ceylon, N arcissus, Corry, from London.

Sailed—From Graves: n.1. April 2411o. Hindostan, Redman, fur Madras; 29th, °risen, Collard, fur Madras; May 1. Adi3, Gillies, for Madras ; and 2,I, Child.

Handl, Willis, for Bombay. m Fro Liverpool, April 26th, Yolk, Mayer, for China; 291b.Q teen Malo, Mateo., For Bengal; May thl, Ellen. Yapp for China ; and Duke of Lancaster, Hargreaves, hum Bombay.