5 MAY 1866, Page 22

British Army and Navy Review. April and May. (Bentley). There

seems a pleasing variety of smart story and useful information in this periodical. The April number contains some serviceable hints on study in the barrack-room, and that for May a good paper on fortification and its uses. Then there is a dashing writer of the " Guy Livingstone" type, who occupies the place of honour, and deals out sparingly each month some highly spiced matter detailing the adventures of an. Englishman who has taken service in the African legion under mysteri- one circumstances. With this and with a host of minor stories illustra- tive of military life, and some historical passages, such as the engage- ment between the Shannon and the Chesapeake, our Review may obtain forgiveness from the martial mind for its atteurpt,to instruct.