5 MAY 1923, Page 23

Specification. (Technical Journals, Ltd. 103. 6d.) Specification has made its

twenty-fifth annual appearance, and is prefaced by a congratulatory letter from the President of the Royal Institute of British Architects. It is meet that the profession should thus express its thanks to the compilers of this admirably informing "crib "—a work that is to be found In nearly every architect's office. Its information is clearly presented and well up to date, though in the article on cinemas we miss any reference to the new method of daylight presenta- tion. There is a short description of Pise construction, and there are other special articles in addition to the more exhaus- tive papers on Fireproof Construction, Heating, Illtunination, Sanitation. &c., &c. Mr. Gordon Selfridge, who ought to (Continued an page 704.2

know, is quoted as a witness against the inordinate use of plate-glass in shop-fronts, and a number of interesting working drawings are reproduced, including some from the office of Sir Edwin Lutyens.