5 MAY 1933, Page 7

The ghouls were given a supreme opportunity by the death

of Lord ICnebworth and the fact that Lord Lytton had to convey the news to Lady Lytton while she was entertaining a party at Covent Garden. As might be expected, The Times and Morning Post made no reference to a poignantly intimate scene. Neither did the Daily Herald. The News-Chronicle mentioned the episode briefly and with restraint. The Daily Mail and (sur- prisingly) the Daily Telegraph were the worst offenders against decency, though the Express was not far behind either. The writer whose pen described the scene in detail for the last-named journal related how "it made me ashamed that I was witness to something so sacred." The emotion evidently evaporated well before Press-time. Since each of the three papers which dwelt on the topic told a different story, at least two of thein clearly make up in imagination for what they lack in taste. * * * *