4 MAY 1944, Page 12


Siit,—May I send you the following comment by an airman in India, dated March 23rd?

"Ensa has at last put in an appearance in India. I saw a show by one of their parties this week. It was worse than any third-rate show in England, and such people would be booed out of anywhere but low-class hovels at home. It was down-and-out filth from start to finish, and the only item worth hearing was by the stage carpenter, who played a couple of tunes on a saw. Such an exhibition was an insult to anybody's intelligence. Of course one can't blame the bes: artists for not coming to India, but it is a scandalous waste of money and shipping space sending out such individuals. That not merely my own opinion, either. It would be better to fill the shipping space with pianos or something else of use."