4 MAY 1944, Page 17

4, THE SPECTATOR" CROSSWORD No. 269 fA "Book Token for

one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct scintson of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week, May 16th. Envelopes should be received not later than first post that day. and mutt bear the word "Crossword," the NUMBER Of the Punk' and a 2}cl. swamp. Solutions must be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The Seitaid711 and the name of the winner will be published in the following issue.]


7. A brace just wide of the mark. GC 5.) 6. Namely, as the owl would say. (z, 3.) 9. "Let memory, From false to false,

among false maids in love, my falsehood " (Shakespeare.) (7.) o. A suit in Africa one naturally dunes. (7.) tr. Hail to the girl in reverse. (3.) 12. SO 1C1 it be after the tempter by shifting the last letter. (1[1.) 14. Old port of Italy. (5.) 15. A vessel under proof, but saucy. (7.) 17. This will do at a stretch. (7-) 70. The fleet suffers a reverse when ex- tended by sheep. (5.)

22. A sunny sort of nerve-centre. (5, 6.)

24. Creature which% is soon afterwards when soon afterwards. (3.) 25. A thousand shafts from the vegetable garden. (7.) 27. No use to those who can't stick salmon. (7.) 28. No objection to barging in here. (S.) 29. Surely not part of the grammar school Year- (5, 4.) DOWN I. Cat's Cornish resort. (9.) 2. Where does such a sound C01120 front? Not bear. (7.)

1. The last person to let the bread burn, surely. (5, 6.)

4 The implication is that an insular woman has company. (7.) 5. It is disclosed by the tide when it recedes. (5.) 6. Hide colour. (3.)

728111-11 28 is in the Isle of Ely. (7.) 8. The Tourist Trophy and the Royal

Automobile Club's literary collabora- tion. (5.) 13. A ghost's inn I naturally find is this. (H.) 16. A drumming noise under the fire. (9.) 18. It is on the wing. (7.)

19. With which SIMKO RICW the thousand, perhaps. (7.)

21. Shakespeare's Charles did. (7.) 22. Shrub used for 6 down. (5.) 23., Endures. (5.)

26. "Our wasted - unprofitably burns." (Cowper.) (3.)