5 MAY 1979, Page 21

Echo of Wilson

Sir: Mr Callaghan is not the first purveyor of the Labour Party as a crusade. Back in 1962 Harold Wilson told the annual conference of the Scottish Labour Party that 'the Labour movement is more than a political party. It is a moral crusade or it is nothing'. In that same pious effusion he declared: 'There will be no Lib-Lab election pact because politics are a matter of principle and not a cynical exercise in electoral horse trading'. Wilson has vanished from the scene to which he brought so little credit. What a pity Mr Heath did not accompany him into oblivion instead of lingering to whine ad nauseam about his dual rejection by the electors in 1974. The Wilson-Heath-Wilson era, symbolising the destruction of Britain's greatness, is something most people would like to forget.

J.D. Godber

22 Sandcross Lane, Reigate, Surrey