5 NOVEMBER 1853, Page 6


The week ending Saturday last produced 73 deaths above the average, —" arising chiefly from the epidemic " ; "which has now attacked many parts of the Metropolis, widely distant, between Hammersmith and Vithitechapel." The total number of deaths from cholera amounted to 96: in the West districts, 16 died out of a population of 376,427; in the North, 3, out of a population of 490,396; in the Central, 1, out. of 393,256; in the East, 24, out of 485,522; in the South, 52, out of 616,635. The notes of the local Registrars, accompanying their reports, continue to show that a want of sanitary arrangements is the great ally of the epidemic. The parochial authorities of the Metropolis continue to direct their at- tention to the multitudinous nuisances existing all around. Day by day the Police Inspectors of the several divisions report the deaths in their dietricts : but im accurate idea carkbe formed from their reports.

In the Provinces, isolated eases ending in death are reported in places far apart. Thus, there have been two deaths this week at Tenterden in Kent ; three at Appledore; two at Cockermouth; three at'Luton ; two at Berwick; one at Rickmansworth; one at Newcastle; one at Wolstan- ton • two in the Thorne Union; one at Seaham Harbour ; and at other plaLs similar mortality. The principal news with respect to the progress of the cholera comes from Scotland. Hitherto there have been only partial attacks in the great towns, and the disease has not assumed an epidemic form, although diarrhcea is reported to be prevalent But now the state of Dundee, and the number of deaths that have occurred there-22 out of 49 attacks, during the last fortnight of October—have alarmed the authorities. Dr. Gavin, of the Board of Health, has been sent down; and he reports, from inspection, that the filthy condition of the town renders an extension of fatal cases probable. In the report of the General Board of Health we find the following illustrative passage- " One abominable nuisance appears to exist here to a greater extent even than in other towns—the amount of human excrement scattered over the surface of the yards and lanes. There is,' says Dr. Gavin' a very greet want of the common conveniences. They. may be said not to exist at all; but in place of them there are public pnvms, -horrible, disgusting, and bru- talizing in the extreme ; any person frequenting them in a choleraic epi- demic trifles with his life.'

"With reference to the character of the disease, as far as it has yet mani- fested itself in Dundee, Dr. Gavin states that the attacks are remarkably sudden—not apparently ushered in with the usual amount of precedent diarrhoea; nor is the intermediate stage so well marked as usual, while the cases in general are severe. In all these respects, the epidemic is represent- ed as bearing a close resemblance to that of Newcastle.

"It appears further, that the placesin .which the disease has hitherto de- veloped itself are not so palpably and specially insalubrious-as is common in other towns, although it is stated that Dundee abounds in so many impuri- ties that it is difficult to determine which may be the special localizing cause."

At a full meeting of the authorities, Dr. Gavin's recommendations were adopted : they consist of additional medical assistance, house-to-house visitation, a gratuitous dispensing of medicines to the poor, and a vigor.. ous effort to remove nuisances. The latest news from Dundee extends to Wednesday ; when four deaths from cholera were registered, and twenty- seven cases were under treatment.

Three deaths occurred at Arbroath on the 1st and one on the 2d instant.